Boxers originate from Germany, and were also in use as hunting companions. Boxadors are intelligent, lively, appealing dogs. I also have two cats and she gets along with them very well. The puppy may take after either, both, or neither of its parents. Find out the family history of heart and kidney problems in the Boxer parent’s line. This inherited disease can lead to sudden cardiac death. The known history of the Boxer dates back to 16th century Europe. It will love to spend time outdoors, walking or running around with you. Hes the best dog ive ever owned and to beat it all, he was dropped off at my doorstep in a box with a toy and a blanket that my neighbor left because he had moved and couldnt take him with him. My black boxador is 75% lab, 25% boxer, this is the correct cross. Zoey was a rescue and had cigarette burns on her beautiful ears. Labs are friendly, outgoing, kindly, non-aggressive, and tractable. Longevity and mortality of owned dogs in England. Now we are looking to replace our lose with a Boxer mix again and the Boxador sounds perfect. She’s highly trainable (if you’re the leader) These are intelligent dogs, which is no surprise, … I’m her 3rd home in the past 2 months and will most certainly be her last home. They’ll need lots of time and activity. Never buy a puppy from someone who wants to meet you away from their own home, or who makes excuses about why you can’t meet the puppy’s mother. This can vary between the sexes, with females tending to be slightly smaller. Abby the Boxador (Boxer / Lab mix) at 2 years old—"Abby is a half Boxer half Lab. It eventually leads to loss of function in the hip joints. And i look forward to seeing what we have in our future. Male. My daughter just rescued a 3 year old boxador that I swear could be my puppies sister! Research shows that mixed breeds are healthier compared with their parent breeds. But i was more then happy to take him. We have boxador puppies ..will be available on August 1 2017 .We live in Va . Looking to breed from our F1 Black lab Brindle cross in UK. Boxadors are usually between 21.5 and 25 inches tall. My daughters babysat her for their cousin that worked for a vet and Sicily was brought in to be euthanized at only a few weeks old. But improved lifespan is good news for crossbred Boxers especially, because Boxers are prone to more genetic diseases than many types of dogs. Boxers may also have black masks and markings in white, brindle, and fawn. Consider making sure all documentation is in order even before you see your potential pup – it’s going to be harder if you see those cute faces and then discover something’s not quite right. omg im so sorry my lab died 3 months ago to a tumer. Boxers were bred to hunt and hold prey. Yes, and it can be very rewarding to save a dog’s life. Your email address will not be published. They adapt easily to different situations. He is adorable. Which parent do they take after? Black boxadors and brown boxadors appear to be dominant when mixing these two breeds. A Boxer Labrador mix or any dog without any of these essential qualities will become unstable and unresponsive to you or anybody else. They are believed to be one of the descendants of fighting mastiff dogs from the high valleys of Tibet. Both Boxer and Labrador Retriever are having almost same weight. I have a 7 month old boxador. Boxer Lab Mix Size These dogs generally grow to be the same size as a medium-sized Labrador. A Boxer’s lifespan is just under nine years. However, I would love a Boxador. This hybrid generally weighs between 55 and 80 pounds. Boxer cardiomyopathy is degenerative and inherited as an dominant trait. Let’s investigate. You’ll find them listed on our Boxer Lab mix puppy page. We have other dogs that we rescued from our local animal shelter but Honey was very special to us. It is generally true that studies have shown greater longevity in cross bred dogs. Congenital heart disease in boxer dogs: Results of 6 years of breed screening. Good hip scores, perfect elbow scores and a DNA test for PRA too. And where can you find one? The idea is to get a puppy that features attributes from both parents. If you get a Boxador, please do what you can to find out the health history of the parents. It’s safe to say that your Boxador puppy will not be small. When they are visibly shedding, a daily brush with a short hair Furminator will really help to keep those loose hairs tidy. He snored. You may also find a mix at a shelter. He was 16 and the very best dog! Boxadors are amazing at least this one is and I’m pretty sure there won’t be another like her but if I ever decide to have another pet I can assure you I will want another Boxador. The disease is progressive, and can take up to a year to run its course. That’s because they are friendly and outgoing, active and high-spirited. Let’s Get Started! Does the dog in your life have a cat in theirs? Both dogs can shed quite a lot in season – as the weather turns warmer. He hates it when we leave and usually leave him outside then to prevent any accidents or destruction. The Boxer is truly a favorite in Germany. Anyone with experience with F2 generation Boxador. Just as we were filling out the paperwork to adopt her too, another family came in looking for the Boxador pups, too! Labradors are similarly active. You may also need to watch out for corneal dystrophy, including corneal ulcers. Both Boxer and Labrador Retriever has almost same life span. In this article, we’ll cover all you want to know about the crossbreed called the Boxador. This is a chronic, superficial condition, and needs to be addressed by a vet. They adopted her, Josie, and to this day, we meet during the summer for the siblings to have a play date at a local lake that has a dog park & beach. It was so heartbreaking but we know she had a wonderful, safe life with us and watching all of our kids grow up!! A quick brush with a firm bristle brush at least twice a week should be adequate most of the year. Boxers come in various sizes – my Janice and Leroy are each about 90 pounds, but there are smaller Boxers out there that are only about half their size. But not everyone agrees that it’s such a good idea. People say Boxers never slow down, and they never grow up! Can you adopt a Boxer Lab Mix? Looking for Boxer Lab mix information, or need to know what to expect from your new Boxador friend? Let us know about them in the comments below! Dad is a yellow lab and mom is a brindle boxer. Some of these diseases include cancer, epilepsy, autoimmune disorders, blindness, cataracts, heart disease, and kidney issues. His family bred them to be hunters, and gave them their name. You would expect to pay anywhere from £200 – £500. In this guide, we have put together all of the important information you will need to consider before picking up your new pup. My son just got a pup. Craigslist Panama city. But he is such a sweetheart. You can find out more about Labrador health here. But he’s also such a loving dog! Chocolate Lab Boxer mix puppies can look very similar to chocolate Lab puppies, with dark brown coats. Although Boxer Lab mix puppies normally have short, shiny coats, Boxador shedding is a potential issue you will need to consider if you are thinking of bringing a puppy into your home. This dog is considered the Lab’s main ancestor. AARF. Along with the Labrador, they’re more commonly seen as beloved household pets in the United States. Continue reading below to see pictures, videos, and learn more about the beautiful Boxer Lab Mix. The Labrador was registered with the Kennel Club in England the year before, in 1903, but wasn’t recognized by the AKC until 1913. Hello, do you breed the boxador? They should also have good hip scores, perfect elbow scores, and DNA tests for PRA blindness as a minimum. Hes never once hurt anybody or anything and he lives in a house with 4 cats. The same applies to their average weights, with males measuring between 55 and 80lb, and females weighing between 50 … They will often have the distinctive black mask over their faces and white markings on their feet. We are taking our adopted Boxador (she was a year old when adopted) to a class where we are basically barricaded so she has limited sight of the other dogs, etc. Longevity and Mortality of Dogs Owned In England. He is 8 weeks old and they have a litter of 9. The breeders of designer dogs can be just as reputable as pedigree dog breeders, but they can also be out to cash in on a recent trend and make a fast buck. They will rarely be of one color. Boxer rescues and Labrador rescues will sometimes have mixes available. Find them? Definitely a big difference from my Chi-Yorkie lol. Boxers come in brindle, white, and fawn colors, Brindle refers to a certain type of striping on boxer coats, and can feature different shades. Labs come in three major colors: golden (yellow), chocolate (brown), and black. So, with a Boxador, you’re probably going to have a medium- to large-size dog, with a whole lot of variation in the weight. The family I took her from were feeding her adult food already and I fed her the same food to keep her feeling comfortable but since she won’t eat much of it I’m going to switch her back to puppy chow but keep the brand the same. He was always outside until the Polar Vortex. For more tips on finding a Boxer Lab mix puppy, check out our puppy search guide. Cross bred dogs tend to live longer than their parents, but this is not guaranteed. Genetics is another big factor, so you should definitely look at the health of a Boxador puppy’s parents if you want a dog that lives a long time. If you think you can handle all this, maybe a Labrador Boxer mix is right for you! One of the symptoms of this disease is hip dysplasia, another condition that affects several different breeds – including Labradors. Mixing breeds together is, in general, a relatively new endeavor in the canine world. Looking for boxador puppies anywhere near Georgia. Cancer in dogs is analogous to human cancer, except that it is usually diagnosed later, so dogs have a shorter lifespan after the diagnosis. If your dog has this, strenuous exercise can actually be fatal because muscles are too week and uncoordinated. Did you Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2008, Strain G. Deafness prevalence and pigmentation and gender associations in dog breeds at risk. We’re are you located,I know of a boxador that is fawn colored ,he will be six months old on the 23.he is in North Dakota. Technically a Boxador is not a recognized breed in it’s own right, as it has not been approved by the Kennel Club. Many purebred dogs experienced a genetic bottleneck at some point in their evolution, which means that there are fewer genes in the population, and more sensitivity to genetic diseases. Why Do German Shepherd Puppies Bite So Much? He was there with his sister. Although you would hope the elongated muzzle would improve these structural problems in a mix, there is no guarantee that your Boxer Lab mix won’t end up suffering. Mortality of purebred and mixed-breed dogs in Denmark. A fully-grown Boxador will usually stand 20 to 25 inches tall at the shoulder and weigh 55 to 80 pounds. Labs were eventually recognized as a breed by the English Kennel Club in 1903, with some pedigrees originating earlier than that, in the 1870s. So if you’re wanting one, just be prepared. Both parent breeds are very active, and your Boxador will need at least an hour of exercise each day. Please let me know if you have any or if you know of anyone who does. Sicily is 12 years old and has been with us since she was a couple of months old. Cool! Provided the parents are both healthy, health tested dogs, mixing them together will spell good things for the future of our beloved canines. Do you know of any other rescues that focus on Boxadors or the parent breeds? You can probably except to pay from $350-$800 for a Boxador puppy. Boxer Lab mix breed dogs can come in a range of colors. You can therefore assume that your puppy might grow to be anywhere up to 25 inches tall and 80 pounds in weight, but could be considerably smaller than this. Though you may not know all the details of the dog’s parentage, choosing a dog who is already full grown can help potential owners to be able to ascertain the personality and health of the animal. The crossing of Labrador Retriever and the Boxer dog lead to the origin of Boxador. The Veterinary Journal 2004, Packer et al. So let’s put all that aside for now, and take a proper look at the Boxer Lab mix. In the 19th century, the Earl of Malmesbury reportedly imported one of these dogs to England. The Lab parent should have good hip and elbow scores, clear eye test and be PRA clear at DNA test. But there are risks involved. They are dense, short, and straight. You’ll need to start socialization immediately. As mentioned before, due to the Boxer parent’s history as a guard dog, it’s important to focus on socialization of your Lab Boxer mix puppy, as you have no way of knowing whether this guarding potential will be expressed in your particular pup. Also, they’re not bred as often. This is where you should come for information on lifespan, health, and pros and cons of the breed. Thank you all! large (18) Apply large filter ; standard (8) Apply standard filter ; Sex. The Veterinary Journal, Schalamon et al. Check out some of the rescue organizations for this mix and the parent breed. That means their valves become abnormally narrow, restricting blood flow. We were lucky. What we do know is that on average Labs live 12 years and Boxers live 10 years. Bracycephaly is a huge problem in some dog breeds, and in a dog like the Boxer who is so exuberate having issues keeping cool and catching your breath is a serious problem. Where did you get him? He gets along great with strangers too aslong as im around but when he’s home alone hes in guard mode but not always due to him being only 7 months old. We can’t wait to bring ours home for good! The Pros And Cons Of The Halti Head Harness. Learns commands quickly, excellent with kids, people, cats, EVERYONE despite having previously come from a neglectful/abusive home. This varies quite a lot because Labs come in two types, English and American. smaller than the males. You won’t know how much of each breed you’re getting, so be prepared to encounter the qualities of either breed in Boxer Lab puppies. My Lab was sensitive to grains so I’ve kept Zoey on a grain free diet and she’s doing very well on it. Boxers and Labradors alike are playful, sweet, and smart. She very vocal which we love but not at alll yappy. At that time, Boxers were winning Group and Best in Show honors at the AKC championship shows. And with no new genetic information getting through, many of the most love purebred dogs are in serious trouble long term. 9 was old and super smart! She is very energetic so we play outside everyday for at least an hour. It is also possible to get a white Boxador, though they will often have flecks of black on them too. Do your research, and visit the home where your potential pup is living if at all possible. Symptoms may not appear, but can include cough, breathlessness, and exercise intolerance. Labradors originally come from Newfoundland, where small water dogs bred with Newfoundland dogs to create the St. John’s Water Dog. Being that this is our first experience as pet parents I have to say Sicily, our boxador has been the most amazing experience ever. You will therefore need to be careful and supervise their contact around smaller children, to avoid accidents. Let me know if you want a picture. In the US, you can expect to pay somewhere between $300 – $700 for a Boxer Lab mix puppy. March 6, 2018 By //  by Helen Lee 1 Comment. Your Boxer Lab mix can inherit any of the classic colors associated with either breed! I have a large fenced in backyard so she has plenty of room to run freely too. Good Luck! Clemmons, R. M. Degenerative myelopathy. A Boxador is a cross bred dog, made by mixing a Labrador Retriever with a Boxer. Breed differences in canine aggression. I found the perfect mix. The Boxer Labrador Retriever mix is a loyal, devoted, loving, gentle, and fun dog that gets along with children and other pets. If your mix puppy has difficulty breathing because of taking after the Boxer parent, take care when exercising. Make sure that the parents clearly have a bond with their owner, respond to their names and are happy to greet you when you arrive. You can expect your Boxador to be friendly, intelligent, and active. Please can you send it to [email protected] I look forward to seeing him! She was a Boxer/ Great Dane mix. The best way to make sure your Boxer Lab mix lives as long as possible is to find him from a reputable breeder who has used health as a primary goal. You may have to be patient to get the dog you want. The main difference between the standard Labrador and Boxer personalities is in guarding potential. The Boxer parent should have a clear eye certification from the last year. They show great courage and respond well to friendly overtures. I now considering a Labrador Retriever. Last Valentine’s Day my daughter gave me a beautiful two year old Boxador named Zoey. These are large and lively dogs when full grown. Any pointers appreciated. One of the biggest selling points of the Labrador Retriever is its personality. In fact, the version that Boxers get is named after the breed. Boxers may be more wary of strangers because of their guard dog background. Weight: 35 - 65 lb. Some genetic diseases, however, are common to all dogs. Learn About the Boxer Information, Temperament, Care, Grooming, Training, Activity, Feeding, Health Concerns, Average Annual Expenses, Puppy Price, Names & Biting … Labradors are between 22 and 25 inches tall, as well, and can weigh anywhere from 55 to 80 pounds. Labrador Retrievers and Boxers are, separately, such great breeds. Sutter, N. B. and Ostrander, E. A. Boxers are strong, quick, busy dogs that require exercise and stimulation. We just lost ours to cancer at 14 and would love another in a year or so. “Boxer Lab mix” is certainly the most neutral and the name to pop into search engines whenever you require reliable information about your dog. Welcome to our complete guide to the Boxer Lab mix, often known as the Boxador. She also doesn’t tolerate heat very well so on hot days I don’t let her stay outside for more than 15 minutes and I always make sure she has fresh water in her bowl. As a purebred, the Boxer is recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) and is prized as an affectionate companion, a great guard dog, and an excellent family pet. The Boxer is a popular dog used as a guard dog, as a working dog and as a family pet. Labradors weigh anywhere from 55 to 80 pounds. Both have large ears, be that floppy or erect, so you can expect big ears too. Impact of Facial Conformation On Canine Health. They’ll also need training and plenty of exercise. We live on a farm and he has lots of places to run. They are easy to please and make great family pets. Size, Height and Weight of a Golden Retriever Boxer mix. Can You Use A Spray Bottle To Train A Dog? Labrador Retriever coats are fairly distinctive. This article has been extensively revised for 2019. Their skills generally include running, swimming, fighting, and using their strong sense of smell. Regular grooming is important for your Boxer Lab mix, but their coats will easy to care for. Note that this hybrid can consist of the black lab, yellow lab, or chocolate lab. Their litters are an average size in the dog world: A Boxador parent typically carries between 4-8 pups per litter. But they also are employed as therapy dogs, search and rescue, and guide dogs, among others. So are Labradors. Thank you so much! Purebred dogs have a legion of fans. Because of the brachycephalic nature of the Boxer parent, health problems may arise in the Boxador. Socialization is therefore vital for this mix. Let the serious training begin! That refers to the shortened, undershot muzzle. This means that Boxers may snore. Their fur tends to be shiny and smooth, and lies close to the body. Boxer Lab mix puppies can become great family dogs if you provide them with the stimulation and the order they need! The Boxer parent does tend to have a shorter muzzle that puts it right on the edge of brachycephaly, however. English “show” Labs tend to be stockier and heavier. There’s really not that much difference in weight between the two breeds. A Boxer Lab mix could range anywhere around this points. 2 Black females. in this article on purebred vs mixed breed dogs. That means your mixed breed dog is likely to have some, all, or few of these qualities – it’s just hard to know. Of course, it may be that you’re fairly certain the Boxer Lab mix is what you want. My heart breaks to hear about your Sicily!! Dogsnet is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Dogsnet is also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, Best Food For Goldendoodle Puppies, Dogs & Seniors. Wiley Blackwell, O’Neill et al. The Boxador is simply a cute informal name give to the Boxer Lab mix. Joanna, Height: 22 - 24 inches at the shoulder. We adopted ours and found out does not get along with other animals.Now seems too late..Generally d oh.i sent start a dog fight but if provoked will finish the dog with people and kids. But why is it that so many people get hot under the collar when you mention these mixes? It’s super important to get your dog a health screening, too! It is ranked 10th most popular dog, which is a drop from previous years. For more suggestions on the perfect products for your Boxador, check out our articles on dog supplies. Dog Shock Collar – New Research Adds To Evidence That They Don’t Work. He is currently around 20 inches tall and 56 pounds so i have a feeling hes going to be on the larger side. We did not plan on getting another dog/puppy after we had to make the decision for our 15 year old black lab rescue to pass. A Boxador is not a lap dog. The best thing we did when he was a pup, was to enroll in obedience training. (2004). Though they were originally bred to help assist hunters with retrieving game, they’re more commonly seen these days as favorite family members. Mix size these dogs to create the St. John ’ s put all that people want combination! 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