The guidance note "Avoiding danger from overhead power lines" describes how to work safely near overhead power lines in a range of industries. Or is this a power line that you can see and just want to hunt? Wear blaze orange and always obtain permission before hunting the line from the power company or landowner, whoever controls access rights. If the power line has not been mowed, leave the binoculars in the truck. Look for droppings, indicating the deer lingered there and chewed stems of bushes and branch tips. Q&A with Dr. Manny: I'm house hunting and came across a beautiful house that has huge power lines directly behind it. This helps you pinpoint prime stand locations. When I'm drowning I raise God and he helps me breathe! Now go up to Canada and you might have different story. Alot of wilderness areas are crown land in northeastern canada but you still need to check. Safe Distances. When found, the stand is removed, set to the side of the ROW with a note attached to it. Next, get out and scout to see where deer are moving in relation to the line. Believe you need permission from power company ifd they own the land and it is not an easement. Box 5381 Carol Stream, IL 60197-5381 Hanging from a power line you should be as safe as a bird. Is this on your private land or your lease? HOWEVER, accidents (and equipment failure) happen all the time and a stray tool can cut or damage insulation. It`s definately against the law to put a stand of any kind on a structure, pole, or tower. Power lines also offer a perfect setup for still hunting. Bill had invited a few writers to join him for a hunt at Callaway Gardens in Georgia and my guide had placed me on an elevated stand overlooking a power line clearing. Chances are they’ll parallel it in some areas and cross it in a few strategic spots. - If you encounter downed power lines, stay back 10 metres (33 feet, or the length of a school bus). Ease along just inside the cover, staying far enough back that animals in the clearing won't spot you. Even using items that typically are not conductive will not prevent injury or death.” Misconception #2: Power lines are insulated, so they're safe to touch. As good as they are, it still takes a carefully planned strategy to get the most out of hunting these deer magnets. You can use several used oil burner transformers with the secondary in series. You can make a looping stalk back in cover to get in range, or use a grunt call, doe bleat, or rattling horns to try to entice him closer. Power lines also offer a perfect setup for still hunting. If you don't want to bring your iPad into the bathroom, we can send you a magazine subscription for free! I am searching for about 20 acres of deer/turkey hunting land here in Missouri. The user has a list of routes with origins and destinations. June 6, 2018. No, you might not tag two bucks in two days like I was fortunate to do on the Georgia hunt with Bill Jordan, but I can almost guarantee a power line setup will produce some fine deer hunting memories with enough scouting and persistence and the right tactical approach. By Eleanor Cummins. “Downed power lines can energize the ground up to 35 feet away.” “If you see one, immediately notify local authorities” by calling 9-1-1. “Never drive over downed lines or through water that is in contact with them.” “Never try to move one. Sadly most people think they are nomans land. Ever since then, I’ve been a firm believer in hunting power lines, especially in a location new to me, like this Georgia property was. I had just killed my second buck on a two-day hunt with legendary deer hunter, Realtree founder, and college football star Bill Jordan. Specific examples being power lines along MDOT land and power lines through state and local parks. On the ground, the strength of the electromagnetic field is highest directly under the power line. Drives. You need permission of the utility to hunt on utility land as well. If you're within 50 of a 765 kv line or transmission tower, you're more likely to develop cancer and experience increase in triglyceride. No I don't want to hang a stand on there structure ...just in a tree overlooking the gap, Put up a stand (not on the structure) and. If you wan to cover an electric power line which runs from one pole to another pole then one of our experts will need to visit you to offer advice on how to proceed safely. Bobby from Missouri asks, Topic: Hunting Power Lines – Food Plots in Power Lines: Hello Bill. I've heard there might be a link between exposure to power lines and cancer. This method involves the use of EMF protection paints (Amazon link) that are known to block EMF coming from the power lines into homes or other places. Push that area towards the line with the wind behind the drivers. That's what! It is quite possible for people to get electrocuted if you touch power lines. What Is the Safe Distance to Live near Power Lines? This is likely a spot where the deer simply ventured out to browse on raspberry, blackberry, honeysuckle, greenbrier, forbs, and saplings. They would like an arc drawn between each of the origin and destination points and for these to be selectable in … Just to hunt the powerline gap you have to have permission. If you can send computer data down a phone line, there's no reason why you can't channel it down a power line as well. Join other outdoor enthusiasts who already get great content delivered right to their inbox. The power compoanies actually own SOME of the right of ways. Ease along just inside the cover, staying back far enough that you can’t be seen by the animals in the clearing. His stand is set 3 feet on his side of the line. Using a topographic map,, or Google Earth, select a line that passes through forested land, since those running through open areas offer no attraction to deer. It’s important to remember that distance allows for exponentially less exposure to magnetic fields from power lines, so the farther your home is from power lines the safer you’ll be. Since they are more open than the surrounding woods, power lines also funnel deer in routes that parallel them until they reach a good strategic point to cross over to the other side. Comments on this site are submitted by users and are not endorsed by nor do they reflect the views or opinions of COLE Publishing, Inc. Some Internet service providers (ISPs) are already using overhead and underground power lines to carry broadband data long distances to and from their customers in what's called access BPL. This stand will ruin your spot. Follow the trails along the power line and then find fresh large tracks where animals ventured out into the opening and crossed to the other side. This paint is a type of specialized conductive paint that has the ability to block RF electromagnetic … Edited August 16, 2015 by filterx. Coming in contact with power lines can easily lead to electrocution. Ga Power has actually leased some right of ways they owned. Loop up every 50 to 100 yards and carefully scan the line for grazing or crossing deer. I'm not positive, but I would think (applying logic...which may not work with Government dealings) that if it's on a hunting lease that you are in or hold for yourself, or on a WMA and you have the proper WMA stamps or Sportsman license, or whatever...AND the right-of-way you want to hunt is not specifically posted, then you ALREADY have written permission to hunt it. Access to the property for walking or running would be controlled by the owner although the power company has the rights to prevent activities under the lines that potentially interfere with the lines. 2 Share this post. If you own the land you can hunt it. For more information on working near overhead power lines please read the GS6 guide on the HSE website . (Various restrictions have been considered at various times though not adopted - see the different possibilities here.). Every time a bird lands on the wire, the entire row of birds on the same wire would move over for the newcomer. Ease along just inside the cover, staying back far enough that you can’t be seen by the animals in the clearing. Basically the only thing power company states is they have rights to maintenance which could be mowing, pole replacement, etc so if your stand or food plot is on the easement they can do whatever to it if it hampers their efforts and do not have to compensate the land owner. They are 10 KV each so you can make a 50 KV secondary with five of them. 2. 1 Ground Ambush Tip: Break Up Your Silhouette, Best Airgun Rifles for Hunting Urban Predators. No, they aren't trespassers; and no, it's not one of your hunting buddies. Just to hunt the powerline gap you have to have permission. First, pick the right lines to hunt. electricity can bypass wood, plastic or rubber, if it is damp or dirty, and cause fatal shocks. © 2021 Grand View Outdoors All Rights Reserved Only the company and its agents have the right to go on the land for business purposes only. What if its on a WMA? The voltage difference is between the lines (e.g. Don't rely on gloves or rubber boots to protect you. Signiture telephone number of the land owner or leasee.You can also be fined heavily if you are setting up a stand in your front yard. Agree with the first part about stands on structures but alot of power line right of ways are just easements that is still owned by the landowner and not the power company but even though it is still there property they do have limitations on what they can place on the easement such as permanent structures. I know the power company owns the land that the lines run over but didn't know it there is something special about the water under them. This way they can take bucks that curl out the sides or those that run across the line and not be shooting towards the drivers. STILL-HUNTING Power lines also provide the perfect surroundings for walking up on deer. The space between each line is 60 minutes and the measurements can be measured by 60 seconds. "You are wasting your time and breath messing with this thread, brother"....germag///. I found a questionable spot to hunt by/ under some power lines and was wondering if anyone knows if there are rules out there about hunting the power lines. It's illegal to set up a stand on a power pole if that's what you are after. Wear sunglasses - hunting a power line is like sitting on a dove field. If it's not on a WMA or hunting lease that you already have written permission to hunt in one form or another, such as a powerline or gasline gap down the road from your house or whatever or adjoining but not part of the property you have permission to hunt, then you need to get written permission from the landowner. I would rather really not do it but I am helpless in the grip of my compulsion". Loop up every 50 to 100 yards and carefully scan the line for grazing or crossing deer. Deer and Small Game Hunting and Trail Cams. But a power line slicing through such sterile environments provides miles of prime edge habitat with both abundant shelter and food such as tender forbs, berries, shrubs, and saplings. You are not allowed to hunt within 150 yards of a residence using a firearm, archery it is 50 yards.The slips have to have written permission, begining and ending dates of the permission period. That’s a prime stand site. Keep long tools, ladders, scaffolding, and other equipment away from overhead lines. If you spot movement with your eyes it is much better to find the deer in your scope than the binoculars - you might not have another opportunity. Power lines. This rule is the same for cell-towers, including 5G small cells , … Nope. Say Pinelog or Oaky? That is, the land is still open for whatever government use it is designated as and the utility company can't even manage the vegetation growth without prior agreement or consent as the government often times maintains strict control of the land. Before starting, position two posters on the edge of the clearing, but on the same side as the drivers, flanking them. NRA Life Member, GCO Member, GSSF Member, NRA Certified Rifle Instructor and, oddly enough, Member Revolutionary War Veterans Association (I look a lot younger). If your ladder or piece of equipment touches an overhead line, both you and the equipment can become path for the electricity. Field levels in numbers. They can not hunt it or do anything else without my permission. The Verde Transmission Line Project, proposed by Hunt Power, Inc., which was to transverse 33 miles of scenic Northern New Mexico landscape, festoon a historical ancient trade route and hiking trail, intersect a migratory bird flyway, pass adjacent to two public schools and a sacred Native American mesa, upend a previously approved BLM Resource Management Plan and … Easing the .30-06 up to my shoulder, I settled the crosshairs on the buck’s chest, exhaled partially and squeezed off. JavaScript is disabled. Stay at least three metres away from power lines. Never shoot if your bullet might hit a power line, pole, transmission tower, or workers who might be performing maintenance on the line. Page 21 of the regs booklet, last paragraph. The move could defend the grid against hurricanes. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Remember, the higher the transformer ratio from the high side to the low side of the transformer the better match you will have to the source (the power line antenna). I found a property that’s about 16 acres of hardwoods and cedars with gently rolling hills which has a power line clear-cut right down the middle. This could adjacnet to your lease, in the middle of your lease or the land you own. Idaho Power Payment Processing P.O. Ideally, you should be as far from power lines as possible. Also search for areas where the trails parallel the line and some tracks lead out into the line but don’t cross it. People who are concerned about ELF radiation exposure from high-power electrical lines should keep in mind that the intensity of any exposure goes down significantly as you get farther away from the source. |, Deer Hunting’s No. It's the neighbor's new son-in-law who married his way onto the property. In two days I collected two nice bucks and saw many other deer. If you put off doing things you want to do in life, all that happens is you get older! Birds can be seen at dusk or sunrise perched on overhead power lines. Have someone watch you work so they can give a warning if you or your tools are getting too close. With that said, some of our great open flowly single track is under power lines and you can legally cut your own Christmas trees from under power lines BUT you still need to obey any signs posted at access points and use common sense. The Evil One has a … We measure magnetic fields in a unit called “microteslas” (µT). Find heavy deer use areas next to a power line that also feature good, thick bedding cover. Two football field lengths away, the eight-pointer crumpled on the spot. But if you study a topo, pour over Google Earth maps, or go on a scouting foray and pinpoint a power line running through it, you’ve found a perfect spot to begin your hunt. Opt for the second approach if the rut is about to start or in full swing. "I do not hunt turkeys because I want to, I hunt them because I have to. In theory, properly installed power lines (residential service level) are insulated and, if undisturbed, should pose no serious risk. Hi All, I have a request for the ability to show routes on a map in a Power BI report. Safety & permission. Birds are instinctively such considerate and accommodating little creatures. But it brings its own problems—and price tag. The drivers themselves can shoot at deer that run back behind, from the way they came. Use this if it’s available. Become President and Make America Great Again! Don't drink, don't smoke, what do you do? Sometimes there’s an access or maintenance trail paralleling the line just back in cover where you can sneak along quietly without busting through brush or making a racket. You must log in or register to reply here. The UK does not have restrictions on how close homes can be built to power lines provided they comply with the statutory safety clearance distances. Please enable JavaScript to view the comments. Sometimes they even seed the openings with plants deer like to eat. When the distance is 507 m, you may experience abnormal EEG's. You head into the woods to do some early season scouting and find a strange stand set right on your property line. Why don’t we put power lines underground? In homes not near power lines, the magnetic field in the general volume of the home can range anywhere from 0.01 µT to 0.2 µT. If the property is open I see no reason why running or … Spaces between each line are measured in time. With the onX Hunt App you can toggle between all three setting types in the map settings feature. Still hunting. Also search along the edges back in the cover on the far side with 8 or 10 power binoculars. Power lines are not insulated and you should always avoid contact with them. You can also represent the time measurements in the form of a decimal. If you see a buck too far for a shot, you have two options. Unbroken, mature forests offer little in the way of food or cover for whitetails. The Electricity Networks Association (ENA) publications: This voltage difference exists across the insulators and pole, as well as through the air to ground. Place the stand where you can see into the clearing to pick up feeding animals and also back into the surrounding woods for deer milling about there before venturing into the open. Much better! For the most part high-voltage transmission lines cross rural land and skirt the major conurbations such as London … Avoid setting up right on the edge where your human form will stand out. When looking at a vast mature forest you plan to hunt, picking a specific spot may seem like a daunting, almost impossible task. Bucks don’t want to cross where they’re exposed, so look for low spots or dips in the terrain. Power companies don’t need the lines mowed down to the ground like a golf course, so they often let them grow up into low brush and only mow or cut back the trees occasionally. Attaching a stand to a tower or other structure or climbing it to hunt is illegal anyway. These are often where there is a major food source on the opposite side, such as a corn, alfalfa, or soybean field or perhaps an abandoned orchard. in a 3-phase system) and between the line and ground. This is a common misconception that many people have about power lines. 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