However, Lead-Support should not be the only or even the primary form of co-teaching that occurs between content and ELTs. The most important part of working with a co-teacher is finding what model of co-teaching works for your classroom, in a way that will be best for your students. 1. Sequence 1 (Click above for video—6.49 MB) At this point in instruction, one teacher is presenting while the other teacher is interjecting clarifications, questions, or directions—or sometimes just monitoring student activity. Excited for it! It recognizes that content teachers can contribute skills and knowledge that are different from those of the ELTs. Free Co-Teaching Lesson Plan Template - PDF format for classroom use. It is an individual narrative that includes not only one’s beliefs about the teaching and learning process but also concrete examples of the ways in which he or she enacts these beliefs in the classroom." The only downside to this model is that ELs are often the ones sent to the ELT to receive remediation instruction, and the content teacher is usually the one leading the large group. Research and practical examples are provided on how to use assessment when making instructional decisions for students with and without disabilities within inclusive classrooms. One Teaching, One Assisting For example, when it’s time to write a lab report in Mr. A’s class, I float around between table groups focusing on helping students write like scientists. Often an independent station will be used along with the two teacher … Excellent post, Tan. Thank you, Valentina. Some advantages of this approach are: • Students receive individual help in a timely manner • It’s easier to keep students on task because of the proximity of the teacher. The greatest benefit to this approach is the reduction of the student-teacher ratio. Teachers who are assigned co-teaching roles often have little experience or training in co-teaching. This teacher needs to be able to have equal sharing rights to make both your lives easier. Successful collaboration depends on the ability of both the content and English language teacher (ELT) to contribute from their expertise. Example:  Both teachers lead a question and answer discussion on specific and current events and the impact they have on our economy. The ELTs’ expertise and ability to deliver academic language instruction is again affirmed in this, one of my preferred co-teaching models. Unlike Lead-Support and Team Teaching, Parallel Teaching is the first model on the continuum that organizes students into groups to receive instruction. For example, Mr. A’s once lead an experiment station while I taught students how to communicate their data using a graph. Co-Teaching takes two or more professionals with different primary areas of experise. For instance, these include: a reduction in the student/teacher ratio, an increase in instructional options for all students, an increase in diversity of instructional styles, and greater student engagement and student participation levels. In the late 1960s and 1970s, several states enacted laws that protected children with disabilities, particularly their educational rights. “Co-teaching is not a teaching assignment – co-teaching is a teaching experience.” – Elizabeth Stein, Elevating Co-Teaching Through UDL This post is part of a series on co-teaching concepts, addressing issues in a co-teaching partnership, and applying Universal Design for Learning, a framework for creating accessible classrooms in a co-teaching setting. The degree to which both educators are allowed to lead instruction to all students based on their area of expertise. It’s big enough to carry by laptop, ipad, and gym gear. Co-teaching teams may want to formalize certain aspects of their relationships by establishing ground rules or contracts. This article, by, focuses on the importance of co-teachers working together when teaching together. Example: One teacher leads a station where the students play a money math However, this model explicitly values the ELT as an instructor and not an aide. In co-teaching, everything that involves student education and participation are shared between a team of teachers. co-teaching is less about the place we stand in the room and more about what we do while we’re there. This form of teaching takes a significant amount of time to co-plan because each teacher has to know which part of instruction they’re responsible for. When co-teaching, remember that form follows function. 6 Models of Co-Teaching: Pros and Cons One Teaching, One Observing: As a supervisor, I’ve seen this model implemented both with purpose and without. 1. This difference in skill sets is highly valued because students need both content knowledge and literacy skills development. University of Virginia’s website on forms of co-teaching, and the ones presented by Hongisfeld and Dove (2010), I’ve synthesized the descriptions of the various forms of co-teaching models and have placed them on a collaboration continuum, just like I did previously with the. , so this article will focus particularly on the forms of co-teaching. The following are the descriptions of each form of co-teaching sequenced from least to most collaborative. As you consider how to integrate the different co-teaching models, remember to consider how collaborative each model is for an ELT and how inclusive it is for ELs. The only downside to this method is if ELs are grouped together rather than mixed with English-proficient peers, they can feel more isolated like in the earlier models. But true collaboration only occurs through. I would be honored,Alycia! station – often an independent station will be used along with the teacher led stations. Six Approaches to Co-Teaching. It’s highly adaptable and can adjust based on the needs of the students and the receptivity of teachers. Your articles/infographics are always spot-on and particularly helpful for anyone using co-teaching models. For example, the early schoolmistresses and schoolmasters in one-room schoolhouses were known to use older students to help teach younger students. All rights reserved. This article on effective co-teaching models is Part 10 of the Collaborating for ELLs Series. Example: While one teacher has the instructional lead, the teacher assisting is a “voice” for the students when they don’t understand or are experiencing difficulties. Definition:  The strategy allows one student to work at the expected grade level while the other teacher works with those students who need the information and/or those materials taught, extended, or remediated. There are many different models for co-teaching that work in a variety of settings.  Description: While team teaching, co-teachers should act as “one brain in two bodies” (Friend, 2008, p. 75). Cloud State University. A science lesson Groups spend designated time at each station. Usually, but not always, the lead teacher is the content teacher while the support teacher is ELT. Co-teaching is something that takes some getting used to. Center for Student Success: (505) 277-3190 or, © The University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131, (505) 277-0111 New Mexico's Flagship University, Accountability, Assessment & Accreditation, Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies, Teacher Education Graduate Degrees and Post Master's Certificates, Albuquerque Teacher Residency Partnership (ATRP), Teacher Preparation Affordability Scholarship, Graduate Student Leadership Alliance (GSLA), Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy, Apply to the College of Education & Human Sciences, Educator Preparation Programs Teacher Candidate Continuation Policy. Just like bags and suitcases, co-teaching comes in all shapes and sizes. How a Co-Teaching Relationship Works. For example, if the history teacher noticed a group of students needing additional practice in reading graphs, they can be sent to the ELTs for further support. It also includes teacher templates that can be printed off and used by co-teachers. The asset-oriented model of collaboration encourages both educators to lead instruction to all students based on their area of expertise. For example, a teacher who is very outspoken paired with another teacher who is quiet might make a good team; one can assume the role of the spokesperson, while the other leads by example. With this approach, for example, co-teachers can decide in advance what types of specific observational information to gather during instruction and can agree on a system for gathering the data. The content teacher monitors students’ understanding of the content while the ELT supports and extends students’ engagement with the tasks and helps them communicate their ideas. There are many different ways that co-teaching could be executed. But when I return home to the U.S. during summer breaks, I have two hardcover Samsonite suitcases that can spin a full 360 degrees. The only downside to Team Teaching is that there is less differentiation because instruction is given to the entire class at the same time. For example, it could be two general education teachers, one general education teacher and a special education teacher, or even a special education teacher and an administrator (Magieri & Zigmond, 2005 p. 80-81). Source: Adapted from cook, L., & Friend, M. (1995). Definition:  Each teacher instructs half of the students. May I give a shout-out to you at EARCOS & encourage participants to subscribe? The one teach one drift model should be used occasionally but should not be used exclusively because students begin to view the teachers as being unequal in the classroom. When you have developed a rapport and the content teacher begins to trust and value the ELT, then the ELT can slowly introduce other more collaborative models. See more ideas about Co teaching, Teaching, Team teaching. Your explanations for each approach are well written and easy to understand. , state that the main goal of co-teaching is, “[to] merge ESL and general-education instruction to increase the time ELLs are exposed to general-education curriculum and thereby strengthen their overall academic achievement” (2010, Kindle location 2489-2490). There are 6 models that content and English language teachers can use when co-teaching. 50. Mr. A also shuttles between groups reinforcing the science concepts. Wow! The two teachers address the same instructional material and present the material using the same teaching strategy. One Teach, One Observe. – not simply by showing up to the classroom. Both the content teacher and ELT rotate between the different groups to focus on different things. Example: One teacher works with the student that need the concept re-taught while the other teacher extends the concept for remaining students. Co-teaching is when a group of students receive instruction from two or more teachers who have collaborated over the content and method of instruction. Data Analysis, Assessment, and Co-Teaching This module will provide an overview of formative assessment, summative assessment, and progress monitoring. Honigsfeld and Dove, authors of Collaboration and Co-Teaching: Strategies for English Learners, state that the main goal of co-teaching is, “[to] merge ESL and general-education instruction to increase the time ELLs are exposed to general-education curriculum and thereby strengthen their overall academic achievement” (2010, Kindle location 2489-2490). There have been many different ways to co-teach, but one that has seemed beneficial in many situations has been a general education teacher paired with a special education teacher (Mastropieri, Scruggs, Graetz, Norland, Gardiz… More Teaching Resources: • Improving Student Engagement During Distance Learning PD Course • Steps To Literacy Classroom Books & Leveled Readers! In this article, I describe several forms of co-teaching and plot them on a continuum to demonstrate how instructional needs shape co-teaching. Cloud University (2014) highlights several examples of the positive effects co-teaching has on students. Definition:  Alternative teaching strategies provide students with different approaches to learning the same information. One teacher has primary instructional responsibility, while the other assists students with their work, monitors behaviors, or corrects assignments. In this article, I describe several forms of co-teaching and plot them on a continuum to demonstrate how instructional needs shape co-teaching. Team teaching. Co-teaching is when a group of students receive instruction from two or more teachers who have collaborated over the content and method of instruction. This is when students are (ideally) in heterogeneous language groups and working collaboratively together. Examples: If co-teaching pairs were doing a literacy lesson they could divide into 3 stations: one working on fluency, one on reading comprehension and one on vocabulary. On the next day, I assumed the role of teaching this model to students. Whether a general educator and special education teacher, general educator and ESL teacher, or one of many other possible combinations, successful co-teaching requires extensive collaboration. The last and most collaborative form of co-teaching is Circuit Training. For example, the instructing teacher may be used to getting lots of questions during his or her lecture. Co-teaching is what it implies: two or more instructors sharing a classroom experience to provide an enriched teaching and learning environment for a diverse student population. It intrinsically suggests that both learning and teaching benefit from the involvement of many individuals based on their expertise. (Read about the benefits of inclusive classrooms. general education teacher partners with a specialist who may be certified in teaching English Language Learners (ELLs They can work to structure instruction in a way that maximizes student engagement with the content, with each other, and with the teachers. In Parallel Teaching, ELTs are valued for their expertise in literacy and language development, so they’re usually given a group of ELs. CO-TEACHING is an untapped strategy that provides coachable moments throughout a lesson. This model doesn’t provide the ELT time to instruct all students, however, so the chances of making academic language explicit to everyone are slim to none. This is key to teachers who want to improve their curriculum or prepare for professional observation in the future. Find the Resources You Need! Additionally, the English proficient students did not receive the instruction of the ELT, so their language skills weren’t challenged or extended in the same way. St. Alternative Teaching differs from Station Teaching because all students receive instruction from both teachers. Also, all students are allowed to receive academic language instruction because the ELT is afforded the opportunity to teach. group of students receive instruction from two or more teachers who have collaborated over the content and method of instruction Co-Teaching Models Below are examples of various co-teaching practices. They can work to structure instruction in a way that maximizes student engagement with the content, with each other, and with the teachers. were not good examples for co-teaching. When co-teaching, remember that. Co-teaching comes in different shapes and sizes. Hi, Tan! Afterward, the teachers should … Sadly, many content teachers think that having an ELT in a class is collaboration. But they may not always realize how similar o… One teaching, one observing is a co-teaching strategy in which one teacher instructs the class while the other takes notes on how the students respond to the instruction. Measure Virtual Audience Participation with an Oxytocin Meter Summarize Learning with the Inverted Pyramid Strategy Summarization Strategy to Increase Engagement and Learning . Hopemyou find some time to relax as the final days wind down. We’ve already covered co-planning extensively in articles. Cloud State University, For example, one teacher might focus on determining a main idea while the second might lead a lesson in vocabulary. "A teaching (philosophy) statement is a purposeful and reflective essay about the author’s teaching beliefs and practices. One Teaching, One Assisting Use: The purpose of one teaching, one assisting is to deliver Example:   While one teacher has the instructional lead, the teacher assisting is a “voice” for the students when they don’t understand or are experiencing difficulties. During our co-planning, I recommended using a simultaneous presentation model. Each situation presents a different opportunity to co-teach. teaching, co-teachers should act as “one brain in two bodies” (Friend, 2008, p. 75). The learning outcome is the same for all students; however, the instructional methodology is different. Another decision involves identifying the teacher who communicates with parents and administrators. The ELTs’ expertise and ability to deliver academic language instruction is again affirmed in this, one of my. Rethinking Push-In Pull-Out (PIPO): The Cause for Sheltered Co-Teaching, Professional WordPress Theme by Themehaus. Groups spend designated time at each station. We’ve already covered co-planning extensively in articles 43–48, so this article will focus particularly on the forms of co-teaching. The rainbow of co-teaching models suggests that co-teaching is an academically enriching practice for students and teachers alike. Definition:  The co-teaching pair divides the instructional content into parts and the student into groups. I would use this model primarily if the content teacher is resistant to co-teaching. Example:  One teacher leads the station where the students play a money math game, where the other teacher runs mock store where the students purchase and make change. One of the advantages in co-teaching is that more detailed observation of students engaged in the learning process can occur. 1. Collaboration and Co-Teaching: Strategies for English Learners. The content teacher and ELT teach the same content but to different groups. And teachers don’t always get to choose who they teach with, which adds an extra layer of challenge because it can leave the individuals’ roles in the lesson planning phase and during instruction blurry. Co-teaching is a practice in which two teachers lead a classroom, creating an inclusive setting where expertise is shared for the benefit of a diverse group of students. Often an independent station will be used along with the two teacher led stations. This approach to teaching is the product of several significant events in U.S. history. The following may serve as a starting point for team members to determine how they will work together. These strategies are not hierarchical- they can be used in any order and/or combined to best meet the needs of the students in the classroom. But true collaboration only occurs through collaborative planning – not simply by showing up to the classroom. Thank you! Example:  One teacher leads the groupin predicting the plot of a story by looking at the book cover and illustrations; the other teacher leads a group in predicting the plot by pulling specific items and/or story clues from the bag. The English-proficient students still receive academic language instruction from the ELTs, and the ELs receive content-based instruction from the content teacher. Co-teaching often occurs in inclusive classrooms. Click each link to view the video. The key to this strategy is to have a focus for observation. Definition:  This strategy is an extension of One-Teach, One-Observe. In a classroom where co-teaching is occurring, it’s hard to tell who the teacher is and who the coach is, because both are engaged and involved partners in the … Copyright 2010 St. For example, a special education teacher and a genral education teacher. My most beloved bag is an Osprey day bag. Co-teaching often occurs in inclusive classrooms. Focus on Exceptional Children, 28(3), 1-12. The following are a list of vision statement examples for teachers of all age groups: preschool, elementary, middle school, high school, and college students. Search . The teachers should bounce ideas off of each other and raise questions together in this style. For example, both teachers deliver the lesson together. Co-Teaching: Principles, Practices, and Pragmatics New Mexico Public Education Department Quarterly Special Education Meeting Albuquerque, NM April 29, 2004 Lynne Cook, Ph.D. California State University, Northridge 18111 Nordhoff Street Northridge, CA 91330-8265 818.677.2554 . Discuss the co-teaching relationship Provide and accept suggestions that will enhance the co-teaching relationship and improve student learning Other (specify) Co-Teaching Variations . Both educators should be actively engaged in the teaching of each lesson. Groups spend a designated amount of time at each station. • It saves time when distributing materials. For example, both teachers may facilitate a discussion while performing different roles such as writing on the board emphasizing key points. The content teacher teachers the first deepening on their understanding of a particular top. The support comes in the form of working with one EL in particular, taking notes, identifying key content vocabulary, and/or assessing ELs’ understanding. What do you use to carry your belongings from place to place? practice of pairing teachers together in a classroom to share the responsibilities of planning Students are broken up into groups, which are usually homogenous with ELs in their own groups. Remember that co-teaching is less about the place we stand in the room and more about what we do while we’re there.Twitter. Finally, co-teaching is not simply the assignment of someone to act as a tutor. specific students are identified to receive assistance. Co-teachers may want to have a prearranged signal so that the other teacher can adapt instruction, redirect a student, or provide a breather for the stressed teacher. Remember that, Sadly, many content teachers think that having an ELT in a class, collaboration. Optimally, co-teaching teams use variations of the co-teaching model based on student, teacher, and content needs. The difference is often very clear. However, if this model is used to differentiate instruction, then students see both educators as equals – but with different roles. During Mr. A’s science class, I pulled aside a group of ELs to reinforce the basics of the circulatory system while Mr. A taught the nuances to the remaining students. Vision statements reveal the teacher’s personal values, teaching philosophy, and personal goals. (Read about the benefits of inclusive classrooms. Co-Teaching Lesson Plan Template - PDF. Co-teaching is a practice in which two teachers lead a classroom, creating an inclusive setting where expertise is shared for the benefit of a diverse group of students. A second defining characterist of co-teaching is that there has to be joint delivery of instruction. Just like bags and suitcases, co-teaching comes in all shapes and sizes. Circuit Teaching works best when students are engaged in project-based learning activities and lends itself to differentiating instruction. Feb 9, 2019 - Explore Beth Whiteman's board "Co-Teaching", followed by 837 people on Pinterest. Lead-Support can be effective during co-planning if: For example, a history teacher might want an ELT to work with a Korean Developing EL to help that student understand key vocabulary words for the unit. Definition:  Well planned team taught lessons exhibit an invisible flow of instruction with no prescribed division of authority. In the Lead-Support model, the ELT often feels like an overpaid, over-qualified teaching assistant passively waiting to teach but never actually receiving the opportunity to do so. We both used Mr. D’  presentation on Spanish conquistadores to teach our respective groups, but I modified it to scaffold language for the ELs. Co-teaching: guidelines for creating effective teaching practices. 1. Here are a few examples from Anne’s website on training for adults (but still applicable ideas for children.) The content teacher teachers the first deepening on their understanding of a particular top. Reprinted from Mentoring Teacher Candidates Through Co-Teaching:  Collaboration That Makes a Difference by the Teacher Quality Enhancement Center St. For example, one teacher could present the lesson while the other walks around or one teacher presents the lesson while the other distributes materials. When searching for co-teaching resources, look for ones that allow you to add a second teacher. From a student perspective there is no clearly defined leader, as both teachers share the instruction freely interject information, assist students and answer questions. Co-Teaching refers to a teaching method wherein two or more teachers share the responsibility of educating their students. Before these laws went into effect, it was common to find children with physical disabilities but no learning disabilitie… Explore examples of co-teaching models for ELLs and non-ELLs alike. Definition: One teacher has primary responsibility while the other gathers specific observational information on students or the instructing teacher. It intrinsically suggests that both learning and teaching benefit from the involvement of many individuals based on their expertise. Using a team teaching strategy, both teachers are actively involved in the lesson. It takes time to develop a working relationship with another teacher. The key to this strategy is to focus the observation – where the teacher doing the observation is observing specific In the English 7 classes we co-teach, for example, more than 60 percent of the students have identified special needs, and many of our students are English learners. Co-Teaching Strategies & Examples Strategy Definition/Example One Teach, One Observe One teacher has primary responsibility while the other gathers specific observational information on students or the (instructing) teacher. Another example is that all members will share in the teaching of the lesson, with clear directions for when and how the teaching will occur. Team teaching is sometimes called “tag team teaching.”. Throughout co-teaching, both teachers are expected to share the teaching responsibilities in a co-teaching classroom. When you have developed a rapport and the content teacher begins to trust and value the ELT, then the ELT can slowly introduce other more collaborative models. #4: Teaching in Tandem With this move, the coach and teacher deliver … decide how the content will be presented—for example, one person may teach and the other(s) facilitate follow-up activities. In the next post, I’ll  share a framework for thinking about co-teaching. It is a dynamic process in which the teacher and coach work together to move student learning forward. I would use this model primarily if the content teacher is resistant to co-teaching. Often an independent station will be used along with the two teacher stations. After analyzing the University of Virginia’s website on forms of co-teaching and the ones presented by Hongisfeld and Dove (2010), I’ve synthesized the descriptions of the various forms of co-teaching models and have placed them on a collaboration continuum, just like I did previously with the co-planning collaboration continuum. Example:  Both teachers share the reading of a story/text so that students are hearing two voices. The ELT teaches the second, smaller group, helping them access or relearn the content by reinforcing a concept or providing additional language support. The framework will help you consider grouping arrangements and offer specific strategies for ELTs as they co-teach. I have to keep these in mind as I work with teachers. For example, during Mr. D’s history class, we decided to split the class – he took the non-ELs, and I worked with the ELs. It also gives the students an opportunity to have a third-party “voice” in the classroom. Station Teaching. Co-teaching should be an enriching experience, not a socially marginalizing one. Cloud, MN: St. Example:  One teacher observes students to determine how well they understand directions while the other leads instruction. Bag is an Osprey day bag assists students with special needs the reading a! Students play a money math 1 language groups and working collaboratively together of this approach that... That provides coachable moments throughout a lesson ( specify ) co-teaching Variations both. Invisible flow of instruction separated into two groups so that students have for achieving academic success is when a of... But with different approaches to learning the same instructional material and present the material using the same.... Receive instruction from two or more teachers are in the room at the same material! 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