Eggs are eggs, fish are fish, both parve. I suppose it's possible that you meant "cold-blooded," which fish are. Not being from either sect I tended to lump them into the same category. Many religions disagree with this. So, is fish a meat product or not? Both are anthropods. This Is Good! Is fish considered meat. Question: I never considered fish meat because fish are not red-blooded animals. But as an immemorial custom, this is still considered something that can be eaten for Lent." The whale shark is among the largest animals in the world and is the longest fish species. I am a vegetarian, but I do not believe that Beef, lamb and Chicken are meats, so I allow myself these as a source of protein. In scientific terms this is correct, meat has a different substance than poultry and fish. But like what you have said, in some religions, they have different perspective towards fish or meat. If a fish has scales, it is considered halal and requires no special treatment to make it so. coconut meat, the meat of an avocado). Protein is not meat (above) clearly posted the most sensible comment here. Its just gross :/ but hopefully this article will make him realize its just simply meat. Ask your friend what they would consider alligator --meat? Shares the same ph balance as us. In 1992, the US published its own, updated interpretation of the food pyramid. Answer: Fish meat would also be called "fish." That means meat from cows (beef and veal), pigs (pork), sheep (lamb and mutton), horses, goats and bison all count as red meat. @meatlova :) Fish has tons of mercury. Both fish and meat, such as beef, pork, and chicken can provide healthy nutrition, while poultry and fish are the best sources of protein and iron. I thank you for the knowledge that you provided me and do hope that you'll come back again. Some eat fish, but since most revered Hindu texts strongly recommend ahimsa—non-violence against all life forms—some follow a strictly lactovegetarian diet: no meat, poultry, or fish. ! Chicken is a type of poultry, but that word technically refers to a number of different domestic fowl. Unfertilised eggs are not meat seeing they are a product of an animal. Fish is meat and vegetarians do not eat meat. when discussing the defenition of meat. Im not vegetarian or vegan i guess. Fish is still meat but not what the latin word 'carnis' describes. WHAT?! Answer: It's all about calories in and calories out. Thanks i allways concidered fish as meat but as you say the catholics of which my wife and stepdaughter are from malta dissagree. You can call certain cleaning fluids cleaning milk, and still, by definition milk usually means "an opaque white fluid rich in fat and protein, secreted by female mammals for the nourishment of their young". 13, 14. Even though you find fish in the meat isle in the supermarket, it says on the notice "meat, fish, milk, eggs," if fish was meat, the sign wouldnt say "meat, fish" it would say "meat". hummm kinda an odd debate u know.... oh well... i new it. Someone who didnt want their name exposed to random people on the damn internet on July 31, 2018: Fish is not meat in my opinion, otherwise Pescatarians would be omnivores. They even have better memories than humans. Muscles made up of bundles of cells (fibers). I guess my counter-question to that would be "Do you consider other cold-blooded animals such as alligators, snakes or frogs to be meat?". Indeed, just a miniscule amount. Fish swim, fish eat, fish digest, fish see, fish breathe, fish bleed, and fish live. Therefore fish is meat. @FishIsNotAMeat: Cite Wikipedia in a doctoral Dissertation and see what kind of reaction you get ;). If you go to a vegetarian restaurant or purchase a product marked "vegetarian," you would not expect to find any meat from an animal. Fish are members of the animal kingdom. That includes fish. I do kind of consider fish as meat, but idk i mean I am only 13. It isn't about saying that a persons food choices are any less valid, but it is a good way to communicate what you consume and what you don't. Perhaps the question should be "Animal, vegetable, or mineral?" Demi-Vegetarian (commonly misinterpreted as Vegetarian by meat-eaters) Demi-Vegetarians don't eat red meat or poultry, but they do eat fish, eggs, Vegetarian cheese, and milk-based products. meat by fact comes only from mammals, fish the last i checked is a fish not a mammal. And no, proteines do not define meat, beans and nuts are not meat. Some rabbinic authorities require the washing of hands, and others mandate a drink of water, or a piece of bread to cleanse the palate between the two courses, but there’s no need to wait several hours between salmon and steak. Must be meat. To me, eating a fish holds the same respect to eating a dolphin, cow, chicken etc. And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying to them, “Speak to the people of Israel, saying, These are the living things that you may eat among all the animals that are on the earth. So because fish is indeed in the meat section then it is a MEAT! Seafood is not considered meat in the same way as other animals are. Does the steak contain fat? How hard can this debate be? You can't just say "I don't believe that these types of very delicious meat are meat." A spiritual aspirant has the option of eating fish and meat if he wants. Simple, right? Hindu: India is the country that consumes the least amount of meat per capita, but Hindu dietary restrictions vary among the groups. • Camels • Rock badgers • Rabbits • Pigs • Horse • Etc. It annoys me when people claim they are vegetarians that eat fish. Meat is the flesh of an animal. Protein is a very important part of our daily diet. Dennis Ebris (author) from Florida on June 11, 2018: Insects: their striated muscles, probably. Therefore, fish is meat. Couldn't believe it when I came across this through Google, lol. Fish meat is very high in protein. The answer is actually very simple, … or is it? I've removed that line from my article as to not further offend any readers. Just the other day I was talking to my girlfriend about this subject. Also think about why most people call you a vegetarian once you do not eat meat: Even if you do eat fish, you may still be considered a vegetarian (see the comment of the young girl above, whose mother makes her eat fish). Most prominent vegetarian organizations across the world, such as the North American Vegetarian Society agree that while eating only poultry or only fish is a good step towards vegetarianism, such people cannot be considered as vegetarians in the true sense of the term. is a concentrated source of proteins, fats, cholesterol, calories, and many vitamins and micronutrients. However, such is not the case. Those terms just refer to how the animal regulates its body temperature. Its the flesh of a living animal. Farmers treat these with pesticides and antibiotics. Maybe with a screen name so I'll be able to better identify you :). I thank you for your explanation, but it doesn't hold water for everyone I've talked to. Isn't hair protein and comes from an animal? Travel Chef from Manila on February 26, 2020: As a chef, we considered fish as meat and seafood (crabs, shrimps, lobsters, etc.) Her reply was "Fish". It is the flesh of an animal. Look in any dictionary and it will tell you what it is. They can also declare war, use tools, and do mathematics. 10 years ago. If you take in the energy, you either have to expend it or store it. A permitted fish must have both fins and scales, so shellfish is not allowed. Another reason why fish is not considered as meat that is forbidden for lent, is the fact that the fast was started to teach humans humility, from the sacrifice of Jesus. But that's just my opinion of course. Scientifically i lean towards fish not being considered meat, due to the ph balance. "Chickens lay eggs; eggs are from a living animal but they are not meat. ? According to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, abstinence laws say meat is considered something that comes only from animals that live on land, like chicken, cows, sheep or pigs. In fact, its meat makes up the majority of this creature, so when you eat fish, you are almost completely consuming the entire animal. I did some further research and noticed that there tends to be a large divide between vegetarians and pescatarians. A fish-only diet is also widely used as a beginning towards reduction in meat consumption and vegetarianism. Since fish are in the animal kingdom, the general definition suggests it's meat. If cow meat is called "beef" and sheep is called "mutton," then what do you call fish? Plants are plants and animals are animals. Source(s): So fish is meat, and anyone who says it is not is an idiot. A look at the evolution of the food pyramid helps us see how views on nutrition have changed over the years. Grass-Fed Meat & Poultry. The omega-3 fatty acids that are in fish and seafood are necessary in the diet of a human being-- fish is the only true source of the omega-3 acids DHA and EPA. This includes insects, beef, pork, cats, dogs, alligators, fish, whatever. Does an insect contain meat? Nothing more nothing less. Wow ! Now as I see things if it is in a certain section of the food group pyramid then that is what the food is classified as. However, most protein-rich foods such as nuts, eggs, cheese, etc., contain a lot of saturated fat and cholesterol. I am like no way fish is meat it is a sentient being. I happen to be a vegetarian but I chose to be one since I don't actually like the taste of meat. Since then, the trend has been to view not only meat and fish as the same, but to categorize all protein sources—both animal and vegetable—as equal and interchangeable. But Salmon differs itself from other types of meat by having different nutrients and presenting numerous health benefits to your body. Meanwhile, nutrition scientists are also divided, with some saying that meat only comes from mammals, while others say that only red meat can truly be considered as meat. dude on wikipedia it says the flesh of mammalian species (pigs, cattle, lambs, etc.) Sorry! @MikeG - I know you commented seven days ago, but I just have to say that if you eat beef, lamb and chicken, you're not a vegetarian. I Always Thought Fish Wasn't Meat! The secondary is a mammals flesh that is not fowl or fish. The reason the debate even exists is because people use different definitions. Your just being pretty inaccurate then, and in denial of certain culture, law and belief. Meats of all kinds (cow, pig, fish, etc.) 0 0. When you have killed somebody they are usually sold as meat or eaten as meat (unless they are humyns or in the U.S. dogs and cats (they tend to get ground up and served to the animals we eat as a … Fish are considered a different category of animal. During Lent, the affluent people of society, would have to sacrifice animal meat and opt for fish, thereby bringing humility into a person's life. I'm glad that you liked it :). A vegetarian does NOT eat any animals. FISH: If fish do not have fins and scales (bony tubercles are not considered scales). Unlike with meat and dairy, there’s no requirement to wait a set length of time between meat and fish. meat. There are strict rules about how meat should be handled in order to make it halal, but for fish, no specific butchering or preparation is necessary. White meat being fish and chicken. That is it, plain and simple. If they are not an animal, what are they? Last time I checked they were still meat. 2018: After some research, the most likely explanation why fish isn't considered meat, fish, like eggs is parve. Fish have red blood. D) The fourth is Catholic, as was mentioned. Dennis Ebris (author) from Florida on June 26, 2009: @Rochelle:  LOL, that literally made me laugh out loud. I don't know what else to call the flesh of an alligator, it is meat, and they are cold-blooded. Fish is fish and meat is meat. Stop doing experiments that doesn't even mind the health of fish! That had Chuck from Clearwater wanting to know: Why is fish not considered meat? Lv 7. I think vegetarianism has a somewhat invogue persona and I'm sure that many of the people I know are simply vegetarians because their friends or their significant other is. In the 1940s, the US had a food wheel instead of a pyramid, and on it, meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dried beans, peas, nuts, or peanut butter were all listed as alternative sources for protein. After some research, the most likely explanation why fish isn't considered meat, is because the church law is written in Latin, which forbids eating 'carnis' (≙ the flesh of animals on land) on Fridays, so people just started eating fish. For the purposes of this article we will use a scientific assessment. I saw the pictures where they said that that goldfish were fat, however, the was normal, when they just arrived they were skinny. Fish meat is called "fish," just like how chicken meat is called "chicken." Farmed fish is less expensive, yet the overcrowded conditions on many farms promote disease and parasite outbreaks. Protein. I must agree with your thought with the Christian belief of not eating meat during Black Friday. The cyprinid fish (8mm) and the whale shark (12m) are some of the smallest and largest fish in the sea. I always thought that fish was not meat, that it's just fish. Literally and scientifically, fish is the flesh of an animal, so it is meat. Many vegetarians eat fish, claiming that fish is not in the same category as meats like beef or pork (the term for this sect is Pescatarian). They look terrified all the time! Question: What is the name for fish meat? Meat is … It also contains calcium and fiber. For Catholics, fish is NOT meat. The poor fish, have to Suffocate after having a Gaint Hook ripe their Mouth...VERY SAD. Due to these beliefs, there is a widespread debate as to whether fish is a meat, and whether following a fish diet is a type of vegetarianism. mermaid. Also, the water was extremely dirty and the goldfish had fin and tail rot. Muscle is made of two proteins...actin and myosin. Opposite to popular belief, a fish won't eat it self to death. No preservatives. Dennis Ebris (author) from Florida on July 07, 2009: @Anonymous: Thanks for the great information. Is fish a kind of meat, or is it in a different category? Peanuts are made of protein, but they are not meat. beans are in the protein group so are beans meat? Plus when u cook anything u lose most of the nutritional value it had in the first place. But I would be extremely careful with labelling fish in a vegetarian diet. im not talking about a religious, personal or vegetarian perspective...but scientifically speaking, is fish considered a meat? Honestly though, they're an animal, they have flesh, we're eating what's under it, it's meat. Most believe crustaceans are not permissible, since they have an exoskeleton but not scales, and scaleless things like shellfish and octopus are also forbidden. Many Catholics stop eating livestock and poultry, and switch to eating fish during the period of Lent. This basic definition is followed by most governments to regulate food items in the country. To summarize: Since the government started making nutrition recommendations, meat and fish have been in the same category. He saw some guy on TV say vegetarians eat fish and we don't. A) The strictest is that muscles of an animal. I simply said that because the fish can breathe, eat and live out daily functions and that it is in fact an animal that can be eaten then it is a meat. are a concentrated source of proteins, fats, cholesterol, calories, and many vitamins and micronutrients. I get that fish is meat, but why is it layered instead of in a bundle? On it, meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts were all shown as choices for protein. Others eat poultry as well, however if you are determined to be "vegetarian", seafood is "meat". some of my friends think it is meat and others dont. When I go to the market I get fish because I want meat. I'd highly suggest their cousins, crustaceans, instead such as lobsters. It is not correct to say Catholics exclude fish from being meat, we just consider it White meat. I personally believe fish is meat but with this info. Muscle is generally considered as meat or the flesh of an animal...which may include some fat and subcutaneous tissue. Most religions put fish and meat in different categories, but they also usually put limits on the ingestion of both meat and fish. An avocado can be a pear if you call it that.So if you want to call fish meat, go ahead. Fish on the other hand are digested much, much quicker than red meat. Dennis Ebris (author) from Florida on December 19, 2009: @Kapaxiana: What about Chicken? If you don't eat red meat or poultry and the only meat you consume is fish, you are a pescetarian. Anything that you consume which comes from an animal including milk and eggs should be considered meat. It is possible that these beliefs were borrowed from Judaism. So Fish is indeed meat & that's FINAL!!! All animals have a central nervous system, even a fly. Adult specimen have an average length of 32 feet, and about 9 … In Catholicism, for example, you can eat fish on Good Friday and other days when you aren't supposed to eat meat in general. Is Fish Considered Meat. Christians often don't consider it meat, but technically that is an incorrect assumption. If you have an answer, e-mail me:, Many thanks for this article.. It contains significant amounts of B complex vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin), iron, and other minerals. 1. the flesh of mammals used as food, as distinguished from that of birds and fish". Dennis Ebris (author) from Florida on June 03, 2011: @Protein is not meat: Peanuts don't swim around, eat food, breath, or have a nervous system. It is a protein, and it comes from an animal. By classification, is fish a meat - how will your classification be? Obviously the vegetarians you have met were not really vegetarians. Some put fish into a different category since they are cold-blooded, but alligators, snakes, and frogs are also cold-blooded, and they're also all made of meat. I also was in a debate about this. just to be clear, vegetarians do consider fish as meat, you mean pescetarians, and they never say fish is not meat. The only thing complicated about this matter is trying to classify a meat as something other than meat. I was doing some research on this subject and found this page. so me and my friend were right. Jewish: Judaism, with its extremely complex set of dietary guidelines (kashrut), does differentiate between meat and fish, and this differentiation can be seen in its prohibition against eating fish and meat together. It is a hot debate: Many claim that fish is not meat, while others insist that it is. The only reason there is any debate is because people want to avoid thinking that they are eating meat. Even as recently as 2010, the Arch Bishop of New-Orleans allowed the consumption of alligators, by saying that it was from the fish family. A pound of fat is about 3,500 calories. Both have their place in a healthy diet. If you watch any fishing shows or go on a fishing vessel, you'll see the blood is most definitely red. Fish muscle is made up of actin and myosin. All muscles are made of protein. For this reason, the classification of pescetarians as vegetarians, is highly debatable.Â. A conscientious, well-read food lover with many vegan, pescatarian, vegetarian, and ovotarian friends. A proper comparison would be a Fish to a Chicken, whoops, they're both meat. Red meat has more myoglobin than white meat, and a higher myoglobin content generates a darker meat color. I guess i was looking at it from the religious (Catholic) side. To summarize: According to most dictionaries, fish is meat, since fish are animals. That's a white meat and the Catholics I know can't eat that on Friday. Fish is meat. Fish are in the new category of the food pyramid called, Disgusting. Thank you for posting this. Fish is a meat. There is no single answer for all contexts: there is no single answer for all people. I am Vegan and I often do see people claim vegetarianism but they still eat fish time to time or I see people claim vegetarianism and they eat all types of meat on occasion. But my parents said its ok to eat fish and I always thought that fish was considered as meat but apperently we are allowed to eat fish. In which my reply was "Are you serious!! I know some people use sentience as a measure in their definition so that might affect how you interpret it. Rochelle Frank from California Gold Country on June 26, 2009: It would be hard to define it as a vegetable, fruit or grain. Fish is an animal not a vegie a d not a mineral. White meats come from fish and poultry. . I was taught many years ago, ALL muscle IS meat. F), G), H), etc. !THEY DONT BLINK, EVERYTHING WANTS TO EAT THEM, EVEN THEM!! Issue is there are well known sources that say yes, there are well known sources that say it's not. Most of the whole wheat they sell at the supermarket is riddled with artificial fillers and chemicals. In olden times, animal meat was considered to be a rich man's food, which had to be bought from the market, often at high prices. You are most likely correct on me not meeting "real" vegetarians. I've never heard this argument, but it is interesting to hear. You have to live with ambiguity. When the food pyramid was first published in Sweden in 1974, meat, poultry, fish, beans, and eggs were all viewed as similar sources for protein. At first, this might seem like an easy question to answer, but it is difficult to define what makes a fish a fish because there is so much diversity among animals that we consider to be fishes. . There is also this Especially for dogs following digestive upsets or with liver or kidney disease, whilst being relatively low in saturated fats and empty calories (good for weight control). the flesh of an animal when it is used for food: Food, nourishment, or sustenance of any kind (archaic). A true vegetarian can only eat plant matter. In your region of the world your explanation may be the correct one, but in the U.S. it is because they don't believe it to be meat. It has lots of protein, and it probably the healthiest meat type around. They aren't a vegetable, and they are not a peanut. And only real whole wheat. You cannot be non-meat eating vegetarian if you eat the muscle of a fish. Our bodies literally use nore energy to digest it than what is gets in return. Key difference: Meat is the general term used for all animal flesh, whereas fish is considered as part of seafood.. Meat and fish, both are rich in proteins and moisture content, and are often considered as meat, which can be quite confusing. Now, we will see if fish is classed as meat scientifically, and in culinary arts. The benefits of fish as a food for dogs. Sugar Pie. In culinary and butchery terms, meat is considered only to come from mammals, and any edible fish or bird comes under a different category. My boyfriend's mother came back stating that it is not a meat and when I asked her if it is not a meat then what is it? However, fish is clearly an animal, and their tasty fillets are made of animal protein, a.k.a. I even got into an argument about it earlier today. 1 decade ago. An apt synonym for "meat" is "protein." Well then.. if fish is not a meat might I politely ask what one would consider it to be? Let's find out why some people consider fish as a type of meat, while others don't. as an independent category. Sorry if it is offensive in any way. For an animal to be meat it does not have to be cold or warm blooded. Her stepmom says that since a fish lives in water it is not meat. Although their rule against eating beef is universal, the different groups do have different rules about fish. Your worldview and desires will most likely shape your beliefs on how fish is classified and defined, but that does not change the fact that fish are animals, and they're made (mostly) of meat. Fish are animals, meat is the flesh of an animal, carnivores are animals that feed on the flesh of other animals for food and their are animals that eat fish so their carnivores too. This is definitely a subject that should have any let's all break bread cut steak (or fish) together :). You cannot create nor destroy energy, only change its form. That doesn't work. Or at butcher shops, butchers deal with meat ( fish that eat other fish are classified as carnivores, since fish is meat), My favorite arguement from a "vegetarian" was that fish are not meat because they can't make a sad face. I don't understand it bit then again I don't make the rules. Jamie Lynn Spears blames Tesla for death of her cats Rams superstar in tears on sideline in playoff loss Elle Hughes and Harry Knight via Unsplash. It's a controversial topic for a reason. On the other hand, fish was easily accessible to anyone close to a river, without the need of spending money, making it a common or poor man's meal. :D, i think fish is meat beacause meat comes from living animals and a ish is a living animal (some times u have to kill the animal) but any wat fish is meat ok, "Fish are clearly an animal and the tasty fillets that they carry on their sides are made of protein, aka meat.". Question: Can fish, poultry, meat, and dairy make us fat? Thanks! If that is so, then that is perfectly fine if you choose to do eat fish for that reason. Also if fish isn't a meat does that mean it's a cabbage? Some teachings say that since Jesus died on a Friday, people should fast that day, and some have interpreted that to mean they should not eat meat from warmblooded animals on Friday . Chickens lay eggs; eggs are from a living animal but they are not meat. Fish is an animal killing them and eating them is wrong. I know the rebuttal might be that chicken is called "poultry," but that would technically be incorrect as poultry refers to a number of different domestic fowl. Thanks. Lv 7. E) The fifth is soy-based "meats" which taste and look like pork or bacon or chicken but are not from an animal. "In more recent times, of course, we don't classify it as a fish, scientifically. Whatever parts the hoof and is cloven-footed and chews the cud, among the animals, you may eat. I just had a debate with my boyfriend and his mother about Fish being meat. yes fish is meat if you eat fish you are not a vegetarian your are a Demi-Vegetarian or a Pesco-Vegetarians depending on which term you want to use. Relevance. If you take in more calories than you expend, then you'll gain weight. Also I mentioned that it is a protein and that to be a meat it must also be a protein. This is because the meat is the muscle that the fish uses for movement. Vegetarians may permit themselves to have only dairy products, but vegans take it even further by banning all animal products from their diet. Dennis Ebris (author) from Florida on May 07, 2013: @nakayla - Yes, assuming they grow on an animal. If you read some of the above comments, some of the Catholic people did not consider it to be a meat. C ) a third is the muscle of a living animal but they a... Of animal protein, but why is fish, scientifically very SAD article we will see if is. Gain weight just consider it meat, we will use a scientific assessment i thank for! Chicken is is fish considered meat scientifically much healthier option the hoof and is the name for fish meat obviously... 'Re an animal, they have flesh, we will use a scientific assessment a mammal it:.... Beans, eggs, and other minerals eating poultry or livestock, on religious events such as lobsters them!... Have lots of respect for people that can affect your nervous system even... 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