Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers generally aren't aggressive and can get along with most dogs and other pets.. The issue is that Morgan has a very strong aggressive/dominant personality and seems to seek out opportunities to assert her dominance in the house. Yesterday I distracted him with his silicone Frisbee, playing tug of war. Bi-Polar Soft Coated Wheaten by: Anonymous My Wheaten was 8 weeks old when I got her - I loved her and she was as sweet as could be. Should we stop "tug of war" play? We are very concerned because the dog can obviously be put down. For a Jack Russell that is very aggressive with other dogs, a technique is to squirt the terrier in the face with water whenever he growled at other dogs. He attacks the neighbors dogs as well. Aggressive Coton De Tulear. HELP! He also gets aggressive if I’m sitting at my desk and someone tries to come behind it to see me. ... For example the terrier bit my friend's mother's hand after my friend's mother warned the terrier about a wasp approaching. Very often dog play behavior is associated with pain in these patients and thus they learn to avoid this by fighting to stop play immediately. When she was about 7-8 years old she began to bite my husband and I for no reason at all. However, the Wheaten was perhaps most often used as a herding dog and livestock guardian, in spite of the fact that he is rarely known to be aggressive and despite the fact that the Wheaten Terrier really isn’t all that large in size. I've tried to give him the attention, We have a 14 week old, Dane/ Shepherd mix. I have a 5 month old male minni foxy hes very playfull loves tug of war games and chasy i have an old male jack russal who is very quiet and has arthritis, My dog suddenly turned aggressive towards family at 3 years . She, mini golden doodle 4 month loves loves people to a fault sees anything moving - people cars etc etc goes crazy does not bite kisses everybody, but impossible. They suggested we bring him for training. But, when we go to pick her up, she bites or tries to. Before you start training your aggressive smooth fox terrier you will first need to know why your dog is behaving in such a way and understand the basic knowledge as to why dogs become aggressive. They can get aggressive like any other dogs if they are teased unnecessarily. He begins barking uncontrollably and then when he is close enough to the dog, he takes a short sniff. It can help cut down on the amount of grooming necessary, though. Would you consider him a fussy eater? I have a mini dobie mixed that has become aggressive at times toward me the male of the house and yes he is male also. Are Wheatons sensitive to loud noises. So we rescued Jack, an 11lb Rat Terrier/Chihuahua, 6 weeks ago from our local DAS. A wheaten terrier is an Irish terrier with a soft, shaggy wheat-colored coat. Shaggy picks objects in the house out of the blue (like the mop, a stored piece of metal, a pole grabber) and viciously barks and snaps at then. Aggressive wheaten terrier puppy . He is 4 years old, not only does he not like other dogs he doesn't like other people either. Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier You may ask why a Wheaten? He has been lightly, So we rescued Jack, an 11lb Rat Terrier/Chihuahua, 6 weeks ago from our local DAS. implementing any of the techniques offered on this site. It's easy to do. Generally it is a very good dynamic, they tolerate each other and the lab mix and wheaton play often. Join in and write your own page! There are medical causes for this but they are quite rear. all for the better. Then all of a sudden he turns into demon dog and shows his teeth snarls and attacks my hand or anything near his mouth with a vengeance. (Atlanta ). It was like she loved us, and at the same time, could not keep from biting. I have a rescue who is 10 years old and have a hard time even taking him for a walk due to him being so aggressive. He bit our son on the arm & that resulted in 15 stitches. They'll chase small, furry creatures outside however, including roaming cats. We were told he was 4 years old, and I just found out this week that, My two year old Coton De Tulear that I purchased for $400 keeps biting my small children and my wifes fingers and hands for absolutely no reason most of, I very recently got a Shih Tzu/Pomeranian puppy (a week ago)She was then 6weeks old.She was eating solid food and seemed really sweet. I've tried to give him the attention, We have a 14 week old, Dane/ Shepherd mix. Make sure you learn how to care for a bull terrier so it lives in a positive environment. But, when we go to pick her up, she bites or tries to. He seemed to bond with me & we don't know if he saw the kids as competition or as errant "puppies" that needed to ne corrected, but regardless of the reason we obviously couldn't ignore this aggressiveness and inappropriate behavior. Today we took him to the VET to be groomed before being neutered next week. Murph is a wonderfully dog. Understand what makes their temperament particular and why this breed may be your next favorite. Our Wheaten, Winston is very aggressive when he is outside. The tail docking first originated … Other illnesses may affect your dog's brain, leading to seemingly unreasonable aggression. Wheaten terriers have short, strong muzzles. SCWTA of Canada - Read the Canadian breed standard and check out their photo gallery. Any advice on why he's doing this and can this be corrected or is this puppy damaged goods! When a dog that has never shown aggressive tendencies all of a sudden becomes aggressive it is normally a medical problem, usually Hypothyroidism. I also have his brindle, My boyfriend and I gave just recently moved in together. Thanks, Desperate in Boston. when we go for our daily walk, if she sees a dog walking, she gets aggressive and bites the leash, and sometimes me. We estimate the breed to be over 200 years old. The procedure usually involves cutting a small incision in the abdomen. He was very loving until he spent. by Annabelle Neutering, therefore, is the surgical removal of a male dog's testes (enough said...). How to Train a Wheaten Terrier Not to Bite. What can we do in the meantime (while looking for a therapist)? 7 Answers. At first it was just barking hysterically, but now he attacks these objects. Very aggressive 7week old Shih Tzu/Pomeranian puppy. Major faults include timid or overly aggressive dogs. The pit bull and mini pinnie are on the receiving end of random extreme aggression from the wheaton. My JRT is so unfriendly towards other dogs. Very aggressive 7week old Shih Tzu/Pomeranian puppy. She is sweet, will lick a plate with our other dog. I became the happy owner of my 1st Wheaten 6 yrs ago. Well I'm a day, He bites hard and viciously my hands my feet my body and my clothes. A collection of posts from the #BorderTerriersUnited Facebook Community regarding Aggressiveness. Here's the basics: Spayingis when a female dog's uterus and ovaries are removed. Your problem is the idea that socialization requires frequent off-leash interraction with other dogs. This went on for many months, and in the menatime, tried working with a behavorist, to no avail - she continued to bite. I wish there had been something more that could have been done. I have a 5 month old male minni foxy hes very playfull loves tug of war games and chasy i have an old male jack russal who is very quiet and has arthritis, My dog suddenly turned aggressive towards family at 3 years . How? Wheaten terriers are for the most part good around children. Guinness was excellent about eating food. This may be hereditary propensity or something that the dog has previously learned. © 2008-2020 Please contact a Professional Dog Trainer before I got him a few days ago and I'm starting to worry. hello I hope someone can help me with my 14 month old doberman. It's easy to do. The Irish coat is generally silkier and wavier than the Heavy, or American coat, which is thicker and fuller. He has a 3 year old german shepard named Murph. In response to this question, 31 (62%) Boston’s reported being non-aggressive toward other dogs. MINI GOLDEN DOODLE VERY LOVABLE TO A FAULT. Well I'm a day, He bites hard and viciously my hands my feet my body and my clothes. Many people have suggested that when ready we should get a puppy so we aren't inheriting problems we're not aware of so we are currently researching breeds for the future. Recently he let someone new pet him through my car window, then snapped at him? Although they're not yappy, the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier will bark if … All Rights Reserved. She was like a bi-polar animal. He attacks the neighbors dogs as well. Why is my Jack Russell terrier so aggressive? Many herding breeds nip when they want to disagree, correct or redirect their charges. We adopted a 2 year old male Wheatie from an organization that trains service dogs for our son. All Rights Reserved. Whenever the cat is in the room he will run around the room edge (very large room) with his nose to the ground and run and run and run sniffing the floor. This is a faulty theory that has been proven to … Murph is a wonderfully dog. What is the likelihood of success? Things seemed to be going really well for a couple weeks and then out of nowhere he attacked our 20 year old daughter resulting in 27 stitches to her head & face...she's lucky she didn't lose an eye! We have a 7 month old male Wheaten that came from a reputable breeder. I have a mini dobie mixed that has become aggressive at times toward me the male of the house and yes he is male also. Then when we would move away from her, she might lunge and bite with agressive bursts. After all, the less hair the dog has, the less you have to brush. Trimming is not necessarily a must-do. He was very loving until he spent. In the end if your dog is showing aggression towards anyone, animal or human, do NOT ignore it because it means something isn't right...we still love & miss our boy, especially the kids, but 2 bites is no longer an accident it's a pattern. The OCD-like behaviors are getting much worse. How? While the origins of the breed is a little fuzzy. They get along with other canines too if raised together. It is important to teach these dogs when they are puppies to socialize without biting. Boston Terriers can be aggressive towards other dogs, especially when they are on a leash or behind a fence. It was the worst time for us as we loved her and couldn't bring ourselves to do what we finally had to do. Although I have given you a few guidelines, no 2 dogs are alike and situations can vary tremendously so there may be times it is recommended to hire a professional trainer. Simply click here to return to, Not a fan of bicycles or thunder or my 1 year old or...orrrr. She always displayed anxiety when we left the house or got out of the car, trying to nip us. Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers exhibit less aggressiveness than is expected in others of the terrier group. Don't give up, this can be fixed! The dynamic terrier temperament. They have a well rounded background of herding, watching and guarding livestock, and vermin control. Reproduction without permission prohibited. He bit my bro my mom badly 6-7 bites all over legs and dnt leave her till date its been, I have no control over my white boxer. How can we break this aggressive behavior and how do we play with him that doesn't include tug of war? They had to anesthetize him and said he was scared and very aggressive to them and noted that he suffered from severe separation anxiety from my husband (his alpha-in-the-works). Introducing him to friends, who naturally fell n love with this breed, I will soon be a Wheaten grandma! While the bite that tore my shirt was more the result of his excitement, there was some territorial aggression involved. In my personal experience, Bella can be aggressive toward other dogs she does not know. If you can help i - Answered by a verified Dog Trainer We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. She went to the doctor and has to get a stitch. We love this beautiful, bubbly, smart, personality-plus dog. Relevance. Pain, in particular joint and back pain can also cause aggression on interaction. Everyone assumes you'll know which is which but, to be honest, we still get confused which is which, so don't panic. The Soft Wheaten Terrier is suspicious of … We worked with a well known & respected behaviorist as well as the trainers where we got him & developed a strict routine, schedule, & work duties for the dog. Dogs are not born aggressive, but can become so due to a variety of reasons. My wheaten terrier is 8 years old and is aggressive to other dogs making going for a walk a nightmare. She was like a bi-polar animal. Finally, you can avoid some negative traits by training your Tibetan Terrier to respect you and by following the 11-step care program in my book, 11 Things You Must Do Right To Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy. My 11-week-old female is going into attack mode: growling, grabbing clothes, and biting legs. It's easy to do. Recently a neighbor was walking back with her older son and went to pet winston who ended up biting her hand. © 2008-2020 Please contact a Professional Dog Trainer before Simply click here to return to My Aggressive Dog. How Does Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Behave Around Strangers? Some quite serious bites forced us to seek Vet recommendations and medication. A Wheaten Terrier haircut might also be helpful for some dog owners. This is not necessarily a person who offers dog obedience classes, though it might be. Make notes of the events that preceded the aggressive episodes so your veterinary professional can get to the cause and provide appropriate treatment. The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is not an aggressive dog and rare very friendly and playful with human beings. I have a rescue who is 10 years old and have a hard time even taking him for a walk due to him being so aggressive. If your maltipoo shows continued aggression, especially if you have children in the house, talk to a professional trainer and ask for recommended steps to solve this aggression. He also goes nuts if someone shuts a door loudly. Despite its origins, this behavior is not normal from Boston Terriers and is not to be mistaken as acceptable. So before you allow it to come to that there are some ways in which you can deal with the aggressive behavior of your smooth fox terrier. We have a cat that does not like him - they have become territorial with each other (our other cat and Shaggy get along fine) and we have a 14 yr old LAB/ChesapeakeRetriever who is arthritic and old and sleeps mostly - but tolerates Shaggy pretty well and vice versa. She, mini golden doodle 4 month loves loves people to a fault sees anything moving - people cars etc etc goes crazy does not bite kisses everybody, but impossible. They have been called "Poor mans Wolfhound". We have a 5 year old Wheaten who is generally very loving, but sometimes bites our 13 year old grandson who lives with us. He has a 3 year old german shepard named Murph. We LOVE this dog immensely and certainly don't want to be in the position of having to do the unthinkable........ Is the cat reaction (OCD, etc behavior) a symptom or a cause? When she was about 7-8 years old she began to bite my husband and I for no reason at all. Contact   Disclaimer   Privacy Policy   Site Search, Join in and write your own page! Answer Save. Most terrier breeds are remarkably similar. Conditions such as cognitive dysfunction and brain diseases or tumors may provoke the onset of aggression. I'm not talking puppy play biting I'm talking downright attacking my hand as if he's fighting it. She guards food and food-related toys with a nasty viciousness. She always displayed anxiety when we left the house or got out of the car, trying to nip us. Contact   Disclaimer   Privacy Policy   Site Search. Simply click here to return to, Not a fan of bicycles or thunder or my 1 year old or...orrrr. It may act aggressive towards other dogs and pets in the house and, though it is considered one of the most aggressive dogs, it can be very loyal and lovable if trained adequately. After that, he throws himself at the other dog, exposing his teeth trying to bite the other dog. Is he protecting me? It's easy to do. The same words are used over and over – quick to bark, quick to chase, lively, bossy, clever, stubborn, persistent, impulsive. A brief history. After that we had no choice but to return him to the organization where we got him, for our protection & his, which broke our hearts because we love him so much!! How? Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is a warm and non-aggressive family dog that will use his voice to be heard if he feels that his family is in danger. And 1 (2%) Boston has never been in a situation to know. Questions by Border Terrier owners, with various answers and advice provided by other Border Terrier owners. Most behavioral problems are due to a lack of companionship, discipline, activity and exercise. It always happens in the ame area and generally at the same time. Tooth problems, genetic diseases, old age, loss of vision, or stress from a lifestyle change could be at the root. Simply click here to return to My Aggressive Puppy. Read More. Join in and write your own page! Why is my terrier so aggressive? What happens is every time a car drives by, a person walks by, the mail comes he barks and scratches at the window. by Annabelle (Atlanta ) My 10 week old puppy is very sweet and your typical puppy that nips and mouths. Reproduction without permission prohibited. Another 18 (36%) said yes to their Boston being aggressive toward other dogs. Contact your local humane society and/or animal shelter and ask for recommendations of someone in your area who specializes in working with dogs that have aggression issues. Join in and write your own page! So excited to experience two adult Wheaten’s, can’t imagine what a litter of Wheaten pups will be like. We were told he was 4 years old, and I just found out this week that. Why is my Jack Russell Terrier so aggressive towards other dogs? You cant even take him for walks around the lake because he lunges at other dogs. Sabrina M. writes, “I have run into a problem with my puppy that I have not had before. This is not the first instance too, as the terrier has also tried to bite my friend's father's hand. Wheaton are a herding breed which means the dog is more of a problem solving free thinker than other non hearing breeds. He is 4 years old, not only does he not like other dogs he doesn't like other people either. The Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier (Irish: An Brocaire Buí - literally, "Yellow Terrier") is a pure-breed terrier originating from Ireland. He has been lightly, So we rescued Jack, an 11lb Rat Terrier/Chihuahua, 6 weeks ago from our local DAS. MINI GOLDEN DOODLE VERY LOVABLE TO A FAULT. Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of America - This is the parent club of all the other Wheaten clubs in the USA. We were told he was 4 years old, and I just found out this week that, My two year old Coton De Tulear that I purchased for $400 keeps biting my small children and my wifes fingers and hands for absolutely no reason most of, I very recently got a Shih Tzu/Pomeranian puppy (a week ago)She was then 6weeks old.She was eating solid food and seemed really sweet. He will go like this for a very long time. He changed my life…. Give him the attention, we have a 14 week old, Dane/ Shepherd mix recommendations! 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