answer #2. © 2005-2019 It may be a good idea to add a powerhead to your tank for better circulation. Who said assassin snails won't eat my shrimp?? Clown loaches can grow to be pretty big fish. To replicate this environment, fill the bottom of the tank with a sandy substrate. Tank lighting should be subdued, and the substrate should be soft and sandy. I have no idea why this happens, just an observation. Mine got to 3'' in just a couple of months. Expand signature. You are using an out of date browser. One question though: how come all of the clowns in the pictures are so fat? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I find the obese ones with white stripes in their black stripes very unattractive: I hope mine don't get like that. They're damn ugly, don't look like clown loaches at all anymore. Pictures of my Blood Fins and Corys. As far as water changes go you should be changing 40-50% of the water 1-2 times per week for maximum clown growth. Being kept on their own will cause them to become shy and they will spend most of their time hiding. Can I keep the Clown loach? ( my tank is quite new - 5 months). This problem is compounded when you realize that clown loaches must be kept in a school of at least six individuals, with each growing up to 18 inches (45cm) in length. A school of adult clowns requires a 150-gallon (568 l) aquarium – or 30 gallons (114 l) per loach. It is a popular fish in the freshwater aquarium trade and is sold worldwide. Tank Setup Keeping in mind the growth rate of your clown loaches, a school of juveniles can start in a 75-gallon (300 l) tank. JavaScript is disabled. Your tank is big? Some clowns will reach 6" in about 3 years, others won't grow much at all. What I'm worried about are the PH fluctuations due to water changes and also there is some grey dust flowing in my tank - why??? Here are 2 of my favorite clown loach site's. The colors and patterns of Clown Loaches are among their most striking features and … Description. Renew at least 10% of the water each week with pre-conditioned and treated water. Interestingly, the Clown Loach is … I never knew they could get that big. ive heard water changes,good foods and less fish in one tank all make fish grow faster but I was just wondering if there was any other method/way. I don't know if there is anything to this , however I've found in every group of CL's one will grow faster. You must log in or register to reply here. Occasionally very large wild Clown Loaches are imported that are 12" long and sometimes even longer. That's amazing. Member. JavaScript is disabled. On average, a clown loach will grow about an inch per year reaching a max size of about 24" over about 50 years in age. Those big clowns are in a 2000 gallon tank. Wow. The loaches do not eat snails because their mouth patterns do not allow them to bolt their feeds or catch slimy pieces that fall to … Clown Loach like fast moving water in tanks. Clown Loaches rarely grow larger than 6" in an aquarium and can live at least 6 years. They lack the characteristic flat-bottomed stomach of younger, smaller clowns. Sep 23, 2016. The growth rate will slow down as the clown loaches reach adulthood, which is at about 12 inches/12 years. Clown Loach Growth is unpredictable. It's because he's the dominant one. Just makes sure you meet their basic needs and take note of their potential to grow to nearly a foot in length in a well-sized aquarium. I bought mine a couple of years ago at about 1" now they're about 3". I tell her I have hatchetfish, zebra danios, and dwarf gouramis. Clown Loach Care … The ones I see in the LFS are no larger than 1.5 inches. During the wet season, Clown loaches will move into faster flowing streams and tributaries. Check out the Monthly Rare would be to reach over 18 inches as they do in the wild. In their native habitat, the Clown Loach is found in fast moving streams with water temperature ranges between 77 and 86 °F, a pH between 5.0 and 8.0, and water hardness between 5 and 12 dH. Some, like goldfish grow faster than others. It looks like they are overfed. The pH may rise to 6.5 or 7.0 with an associated increase in hardness. You really cant force a fish to grow. I currently have 4 clown loaches in a 55 g. I have researched them and know they will need a bigger aquarium. Being kept in groups of 5 or more will cause a dramatic shift in their behavior causing them to become extremely active in the mid and lower levels of the tank. Learn more . Clown loaches are known to uproot and nibble on weak plants. Your tanks an ok size, but when you stock it full of large fish like that, your tank will seem very small and very overcrowded once they start growing. When you pick your plants it’s best to get strong plants that thrive in low light and can handle being chewed and pulled on. is one of the internet's oldest and premier Tropical Fish and Aquarium forums! However, as they grow, you’ll need to upgrade fairly quickly. I do water changes every week or every other week. Swiss ichthyologist Maurice Kottelat initiated this change.The fish comes … Clown Loaches are one of the most popular freshwater fish in the aquarium scene. Obviously they don't have the same opportunities in the wild. I think it depends a lot on diet and environment. In the wild, a Clown Loach can grow up to 16” (40 cm) in length, but in captivity, they usually don’t grow more than 12” (30 cm). For this reason, they need bigger tanks. Clown loaches are aggressive fish." The lady working there asks me what kind of fish I have in my tank. *from 1.5" to 3.5" in about nine to ten months (petsmart) Because the Clown Loach is native to fast moving streams, it prefers good water movement and currents in the aquarium. meats do make them grow faster than flake/other dry foods that non-serious fishkeepers often feed theirs on. Preferred Water Parameters,,,, I decided to get a couple clown loaches, and some cory cats. The problem is most people do not properly house their loaches do to ill advice. Water temperature can drop to 24°C/75°F. Clown Loach like to hide in rocks, caves & structures inside aquarium which can help secure the fish & provide them relaxation in their new surroundings. Is this a characteristic of older/middle-aged clowns, or is there some other reason? For most of their life, the fish live in large slow-flowing rivers. These plants will act as a place for the fish to hide and provide shade. Welcome: Introduce Yourself & Learn More About TFF. Genera Clown loach (Chromobotia macracanthus, earlier named Botia macracanthus) was first described in 1852. Finally! Keep in mind that even though clown loaches grow very slowly they will get big eventually and need an aquarium of at least 540 L/ 125 G, and that should be considered a minimum. Clown loaches have a typical loach body shape, with a long, pointed nose complete with sensing barbels. As far as the red-tailed shark I do not think it should cause any problems, but you never know with them. What are Hillstream Loaches? Clown loaches can be kept in aquariums of 100 L / 20 G or more. The tank should have subdued lighting, a soft, preferably sand substrate, and numerous hiding places provided made from rock-work or driftwood. However, they often move to shallower bogs after the monsoon season. The body arches high at the dorsal fin, but is streamlined and clearly built for fast movement. The growth rate will slow down as the clown loaches reach adulthood, which is at about 12 inches/12 years. - February 2021 Tank of the Month (31 Gallons and larger), Tank of the Month, Ensure your filter is able to produce high currents which produce movement in the water & aerate it. Keeping Clown Loaches Together. Vote Now! When this happens remove the largest one from the tank and place him in another tank alone. On average, a clown loach will grow about an inch per year reaching a max size of about 24" over about 50 years in age. The Clown Loach (Botia macracantha) is a peaceful schooling fish native to the inland waters in Indonesia on the islands of Sumatra and Borneo.. Actually we have seen a couple that were 16" long. She looks at me like I'm stupid and says "You can't keep clown loaches with zebra danios, the danios will get eaten. How fast would these guys grow in a year from now? Here they prefer faster waters, higher pH values, and a lower temperature. I know people who have seen the clown loaches that are about 24" long and about 50 years old at the Capitol Aquarium in Sacramento , California. It is highly recommended that these fish are kept in social groups due to their pack mentality. Some clowns will reach 6" in about 3 years, others won't grow much at all. In a 30G tank, the loaches wont grow much. Since my tank is not too crowdy I supposed it will do for a while??? As already mentioned, clown loaches eventually grow to tank busting sizes, and require an equally large aquarium. There is pic's of them at. Clown Loaches love a well-decorated tank filled with plants and natural hiding spots. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Fish of the Month, Pet of the Month and more! also clowns love clean water and higher temperatures so maybe yours has grown super fast due to ideal living conditions. You must log in or register to reply here. Don't they become "fatter" as they grow larger, kind of like plecos? The problem is most people do not properly house their loaches do to ill advice. I feed them a lot, and with high-protein foods like bloodworm. I bought my 7 loaches about 2 months ago and they are ca 7 cm long. Since the Clown Loach can grow to an impressive size of nearly 1 foot in length, it should be housed in larger freshwater systems. Peter Bleeker (Dutch doctor, ichthyologist) was the first who mentioned this fish kind and classified the fish as a loaches fish class.Since 2004 clown loach was officially classified as a separate kind of loaches family with Greek name Chromobotia. Currently I have 2 that are about 2 inches and 2 that are smaller.. maybe an inch. Clown loaches are a slightly more difficult species to keep successfully than their popularity implies, but they’re by no means a fish for experts. I have some examples of loaches I've obtained that may help. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. haven't noticed any growth yet. No its not. Water quality is critical for keeping clown loaches healthy. Clown Loach (Chromobotia macracantha) Origin: Wild Indonesia Locale: Sumatra Diet: Carnivore and micropredator, will readily accept most sinking prepared and frozen foods Adult Size: Up to 10″ Recommended Tank Size: 75 gallons Compatibility: Generally peaceful but fast moving, which could stress out smaller, slower-moving tankmates. How fast do clown loaches grow? It is not rare for a clown to reach beyond 10 inches in captivity when properly house, it is average. Many professionals recommend tanks that are at least 75 gallons or more in size. clowns tend to grow fast when they are small and few can reach 3,4,5'' in a matter of months. It is the sole member of the genus Chromobotia.It originates in inland waters in Indonesia on the islands of Sumatra and Borneo.In Sentarum, West Borneo that fish named: ulanguli. These gigantic Clown Loaches may be much more than 6-years old. Clown Loaches appreciate plenty of hiding places which can be made of wood or rock; strong, sturdy plants are also a good addition. then their growth rate slows down considerbily. Clown loaches grow slow anyways. All these fish have varying adaptation of form from what might be termed the "classic" fish shape in order to cope with living in fast water. Clown loaches need pristine water, which means that regular water changes are a must. 2 inches would be too much....after that point...their growth slows down dramatically..thats why its rare for them to reach beyond 10 inches in captivity.and explains why their price tag increases exponentially. My question is at what size do you look at upgrading? If you want to know more about loaches, including great pics of some very large clown loaches (basil the greedy) then follow the link below. Now I know why my big males stripes are greyer in colour than my other 2, and I no longer worry about chasing. KK F. 6 years ago. Theyll grow to 12 inches, but itll take them several years. No. i might go there sometime, sounds cool. Those articles were very useful, thank you very much. Contests including the Tank of the Month, I'll make sure not to overfeed, lest that happens. All Rights Reserved. Lot's of caves and wood. I have JBL Crystal Profi 500 filter which turns 1200 L water per hour. Fish of the Month, Pet of the Month. I have 500 L tank, I have peat in filter, PH is ca 7,5 and GH 12 (not ideal, I know...). Of course, this will probably depend on many factors including food, space and water change schedule, but assume all are reasonable. You also need to clean the tank every three weeks to get rid of impurities. I know many people including myself whose clowns have grown more than 2 inches in a year. For your hillstream loach to thrive, you should primarily feed it on algae, sometimes mixed with frozen or live Cyclops, shrimps, bloodworms and daphnia. I like to feed them these sinking shrimp pellets made by omega one. Aquarium Clown Loach care is easy. Clown loaches grow very slow, but become huge., a division of Monster Aquaria Network, LLC. No water flow unfortunately, except the one that comes from filter. Take care to keep the water very clean, well aerated and warm; an efficient filtration system and frequent water changes are critical. Size of Clown Loach. So in other words, don’t get a clown loach and cram it into a smaller tank. The fish referred to as "Hillstream Loaches" come under the Family Balitoridae. goldfish loaches water-changes. Growth rates of clown loaches will vary. Some of the best plants for making your Clown Loaches include Hornwort, Java Moss, Anubias, Water Spangles, Amazon Sword, and Riccia Fluitans. Plants should be strong and resilient because large Clowns can be hard on them. Slowly - clowns grow slowly but steadily. The clown loach (Chromobotia macracanthus), or tiger botia, is a tropical freshwater fish belonging to the botiid loach family. … U can start with a shoal and years later there is significant differences. Growth rates of clown loaches will vary. Color of Clown Loach. We are a family friendly community with an incredible resource of information for fish owners and enthusiast alike. They may uproot them, or punch holes in the leaves. Tam9674. Yep, these bad boys can grow to be 12 inches long. They’re found in tanks… Aquarium Source is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to As for what peeps here have been saying about 5" and up grow real slow afterwards. Ph may rise to 6.5 or 7.0 with an incredible resource of information for fish owners and enthusiast alike on. Places provided made from rock-work or driftwood have been saying about 5 '' and up real. My shrimp??????????????????! Are among their most striking features and … clown loaches in a year from now stomach of younger, clowns! First described in 1852 move into faster flowing streams and tributaries ll need to clean the tank of clowns! Yep, these bad boys can grow to be 12 inches long is this a characteristic older/middle-aged... 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