However, with the right knowledge, anyone can learn how to do this effectively and painlessly. These intramuscular injections are usually on the neck, chest, glute, or hind leg, though it may differ depending on the animal, there are fewer pain receptors is muscle tissues making it an ideal site for more irritating or viscous medications. Today, among the spectrum of vaccine adverse events reported in dogs and cats, feline injection-site sarcoma (FISS) ranks as the most serious. Injecting straight into the vein can be tough for nonprofessionals, especially with critters covered in fur. Do you ever wonder why doctors on TV point the syringe upward, tap it, and squirt a bit of its liquid contents? Find the injection site. This is because intramuscular tissue is rich with blood and the medication absorbs more rapidly this way. Equipment. Diabetes treatment includes insulin injections and dietary manipulation. Needles for these should be longer than those for subcutaneous ones, but if they are too long, they could harm tissue and nerves. Feline miliary dermatitis is a general term used to describe a skin condition in cats that most commonly results from an allergic reaction. Most syringes are small enough to allow the plunger to be depressed with the palm of the same hand once the needle has been positioned underneath the skin. Administer the contents of the syringe quickly and withdraw the needle. Find multiple intramuscular or subcutaneous injection sites. The standard size needles to use for canine injections are 21 to 23-gauge needle, 1 to 1.5 inches long. Be sure not to place your hand or finger over the plunger of the syringe in case your cat suddenly moves and pushes your hand, resulting in the contents being wasted or accidentally injected. Itching and Allergy in Cats. For felines, the skin over the middle of the back or just behind the shoulders works well. Procedure for Intrasynovial Injection . A careful push of the plunger should remove the excess air. Posted by on 9/6/2019 to, Free Standard Shipping on orders over $49, Newborn, Orphaned and Critically Ill Animal Support, IV sets, gloves, instruments, and other misc. A vein in the scalp is most frequently used as an intravenous site for infants. It is preferable for iv catheters, though, on all dogs and cats. Clippers + skin prep solution. Iris Coloboma in Dogs and Cats. The absorption rate is slow because blood vessels are not richly in this area. Cats a. Medications are administered directly into the vein via an IV. We have excellent vet-recommended disinfectants and cleaners. The most common intravenous sites are located on the top of the hand, the lower forearm, or the upper, inner forearm near the fold of the elbow. This avoids delivering an air embolus with the fluids or drug/s. Contributors: Malcolm Weir, DVM, MSc, MPH; Ernest Ward, DVM. Cats most commonly have type 2 diabetes caused by decreased insulin production or insulin resistance and it often is associated with obesity. Always ask your vet for more help if you're not comfortable administering injections and they will be happy to provide more training. Before giving an injection, make sure to: → Choose an injection site that is free of bruises, discoloration, scars, tattoos, hardened areas and stretch marks → Clean the area where you plan to inject the medication (the injection site) with 2. Injection-Site Sarcomas in Cats. Working with syringes and needles requires great care, and you need to learn how to provide that care for your pets. Hold the syringe in one hand and insert the sterile needle directly through the skin and into the underlying muscle. Standard size needles recommended are 18 to 20-gauge needle from 1 to 1.5 inches long. Syringes, extensions sets, and direct lines for fluid bags can be used for SQ injections. This can cause soreness, which can make your pet more uncomfortable with each regular stick. As for intravenous injections, you usually need to leave those to the veterinarian. SOP: INJECTIONS IN DOGS AND CATS 2 On cats, we insist on giving the vaccines low on the legs in case of a cancerous tumor forming at the injection site. Flea allergy is a response to proteins or antigens present in the flea's saliva, and just one fleabite may cause such intense itching that the cat may severely scratch or chew itself, leading to the removal of large amounts of hair. You should be especially careful about choosing the right syringe size for intramuscular injections. Injection Site Sarcoma (Cancer) in Cats. We will tell you what IV fluids are and how they are administered. Dogs: CERENIA (maropitant citrate) Injectable Solution is indicated for the prevention and treatment of acute vomiting in dogs.Cats: CERENIA (maropitant citrate) Injectable Solution is indicated for the treatment of vomiting in cats. Maybe the vet showed you, but you were too nervous to focus. Maintain proper hydration in your dog or cat using the Baxter IV Solution Sets with and extra port or Duo-Vent Spike. The experiments were performed on four groups: saline control, and doses of 0.05, 0.5, and 2.5 μg/kg (body weight) of rat ghrelin (Peptide Institute, Inc., Osaka, Japan), introduced by IV bolus injection. The most commonly affected areas include the lower spine, around the base of the tail, face, ears, neck, flanks, and belly. i. For easier injections, grab some of that skin to make a “skin tent.” Standard size needles recommended are 18 to 20-gauge needle from 1 to 1.5 inches long. The needle may bend but it is much more likely that the injection will end up outside the pet rather than inside when dealing with a wiggly pet. Most owners are concerned that they may break the needle off in the skin, but this is extremely unlikely to occur. The injections are given in the subcutaneous tissue (sub = under, cutaneous = skin), which is considerably looser in the cat than in the human. In severe cases, a veterinarian will leave a fixed catheter in the vein, through which it will be possible for the owner to introduce the drug at home. Food allergy testing is conducted by feeding an elimination or hypoallergenic diet. Even for a routine CT of the abdomen, a consistent injection with a power injector through a good peripheral IV will result in a better quality study than a hand injection through a port/central line. Ideally have someone assist you while you give the injection, especially when you are just learning how to do it. Your veterinarian should have given you specific instructions on where to … All Rights Reserved. Intramuscular (IM) injections may be made into the caudal cervical epaxial muscles or into the semimembranosus, semitendinosus, or triceps muscles. The extra port provided eliminates the need for a second IV when extra medications are needed. •Site location •‘Route’ of administration e.g. Felines intramuscular injections are mostly recommended to be administered in the quadricep or cranial thigh muscle; alternatively, the dorsal muscles along the spine are also suggested. unchanged by the kidney in cats so use with caution in cats with renal failure Most commonly administered as a 1:1 ratio by volume using 100 mg/ml ketamine and diazepam or midazolam (5 mg/ml) with an anticipated total dose of 2 ml/ 20 kg IV in a non-or lightly sedated patient and 1 ml/20 kg IV in a moderately sedated patient A lightly sedated 20 kg The angle of the needle should be between 45° and 90°, depending on the injection site. Hold the syringe firmly in your dominant hand in whichever way feels most comfortable. Certain medical conditions can be controlled by the use of drugs that are only available in an injectable format. Cats will have a very itchy rash and may lick, bite, and scratch at the affected skin. These tumors are often called fibrosarcomas, and are most frequently located between the shoulder blades, in the hip region, and in the back legs. Speak to your veterinarian to determine if you can give treats or food while administering the injection. These tumors develop in areas where cats have received injections… Most pet owners find that their pet becomes more cooperative once a routine is established. Diabetes is diagnosed by measuring increased levels of glucose in the urine and blood. The veterinarian’s instructions or the label on the container will tell you the volume of medication that needs to be injected. When the bag is sufficiently depleted, the catheter is removed and the injection site is swabbed. Insert the needle swiftly into the fold of skin, with the needle angled downwards at a thirty- to forty-five-degree angle. Appropriate sites for intramuscular injection are the quadriceps (muscle on the front of the thigh), lumbodorsal muscles (muscles either side of the lumbar spine) or the triceps muscle (behind the humerus (arm bone) in the front leg). In the cervical region, the operator should palpate the region to locate the site of greatest muscle mass ().The needle is inserted perpendicular to the skin and into the center of the muscle mass (approximately 3/4 inch to 1 inch [1.9 … Tapping the barrel while it is needle-side-up pushes the bubbles to the tip. Changes in blood sugar must be monitored regularly. Dogs and cats have an extensive potential subcutaneous space that can be used for the administration of drugs or fluids. Often a restraining device is required because these can be painful and post a risk to the animal and to you. One of the most common medical conditions affecting cats is allergy. The steps for preparing the subcutaneous or the intramuscular injection site are the same. If your cat's symptoms improve after the food trial, a presumptive diagnosis of food allergy is made. Well, you're in luck! Depending on the injection being given, try offering your cat a special food or treat as a distraction while you administer the injection. The lining of the respiratory tract is thin and vascular and absorption of some drugs from this site … An injection-site sarcoma is a tumor of the connective tissues in the cat. Here is some information on administering injections to animals. If you are unsure that your pet received the full amount of the injection, contact your veterinary hospital for instructions. Position the cat at the edge of a surgery or prep table. With most pets, the best subcutaneous injection sites are located behind the neck and shoulder blades. Hold the front legs over the edge with your left hand, and tip the neck back and nose up with your right hand. Intravenous (IV) fluids are a common way to administer fluids to cats at the veterinary hospital. Generally, if you are unsure how much you injected, do not administer more unless directed by your veterinarian. supplies, Pet Nail Trimmers and Blood Stop Products, guide to the different types of needles and syringes, over-the-counter syringes and needles of all sizes, 5 Important Tips for Keeping Pets Safe From Coronavirus, 2020 Guide to the Best Dog and Cat Dewormer, Your Guide On How To Treat Eye Infections In Dogs, 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Giving Insulin to Your Pet, Fish Doxycycline: Antibiotics for Your Aquatic Amigo, Syringes and Needle Types — Uses and Safe Disposal, What to Know About Administering Injections to Animals. There is a lot of "real estate" when it comes to where to give cats their injections - anywhere from approximately 2 inches away from the spine, right down to the belly area, between the front and back legs is ideal. You should be aware that some communities have strict rules about disposal of medical waste material, so do not throw the needle and syringe into the trash until you know if this is permissible. For each injection site, there is an injection site card (label) and a route of administration The task is to match all the injection card labels with the velcro dots on the model i.e. Flea allergy, food allergies, atopy, and contact allergies are examples of allergies in cats, with flea allergy being the most common cause. Two of these conditions are: In many cases, cat owners are willing and able to administer these medications at home. The anatomy of the area to be injected should be reviewed in order to assure that the suspension is properly placed and to determine that large blood vessels or nerves are avoided. Each preloaded syringe is formulated to provide 4.54 mg/pound (10 mg/kg) body weight of lufenuron. The jugular is the best place to get a larger amount of blood (like 2-3 tubes.) Sarcomas are tumors of connective tissue and ISSs are a specific type of sarcoma arising at the site of a previous injection. Be extremely cautious while administering intramuscular injections because the sciatic nerve is located in the middle of the leg. In a live animal clip the hair at the insertion site and then clean according to the clinics standard operating procedure (both chlorhexidine and alcohol are commonly used). This is one of the better medications in cats that we use for allergies. California Vet Supply can provide you with more than just the advice in this article. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in Dogs. Subcutaneous. Pet or groom your cat a few times to ease anxiety, and speak to your cat in a quiet, reassuring voice. With most pets, the best subcutaneous injection sites are located behind the neck and shoulder blades. Most cats do not seem to mind routine injections. This practice removes air bubbles in the formula, which can cause medical chaos during the injection process. The injections are given in the subcutaneous tissue (sub = under, cutaneous = skin), which is considerably looser in the cat than in the human. The skin entry site is not usually shaved or cleansed prior to subcutaneous injection. Choose a comfortable location where you will treat your cat. With that in mind, pick the smallest needle you can get that is capable of holding that much volume. As far as photos, just google online to find them. We’re committed to keeping clients and staff safe during COVID-19 with NEW admittance and check-out processes. If you decide to provide this treatment to your cat, your veterinarian will review the specific administration technique and make sure that you are comfortable with it. Stick the needle into the container and “inject” the air inside. In cats (and small dogs) the most frequently used route is via the proximal femur. Avoid pinching the skin too hard with your fingers. Generally around 10-20 ml/kg of fluid can be given at a single SQ injection site (around 60-100 ml for an average sized cat). Intravenous injections  As it is extremely difficult to give an intravenous injection to your cat, so it would be better to entrust this manipulation to professionals. Learn more. For easier injections, grab some of that skin to make a “skin tent.”. Intramuscular Injections For intramuscular injections, the maximum amount of volume delivered to any one site should not exceed 2ml in a small dog or a cat, or 5ml in a medium to large-sized dog. If the injection will be given frequently, try to alternate injection sites. Shaved or clipped areas on the cat’s leg usually show where an intravenous injection has been given. IV Fluid Therapy Set Up booklet). Treatment involves removing the offending irritant or allergen and reducing the cat's clinical signs. Kidney Dialysis: Is it for your Pet? Although it occurs infrequently, the consequences of a malignant tumor developing at a vaccination site are devastating to … Veterinarians can provide vital medical assistance for pets, but much of the care will still be left to the owner. Injection-site sarcomas (ISS) are also referred to as fibrosarcomas. Some medications, such as insulin, require a subcutaneous injection — meaning the needle only needs to pierce the skin. Fluids are critical to cats. Before filling the syringe with the approved amount of medication, fill it with an equivalent amount of air. 1. It causes increased thirst, urination, appetite, and weight loss. Hang the fluid bag about 3 feet (1 meter) above the level of your cat's head. PROGRAM (lufenuron) 6 Month Injectable for Cats is available in two syringe sizes for subcutaneous administration to cats and kittens according to their weight (See Dosage). We're here for you and your pet in 43 states. You can try offering a small, healthy treat, like a piece of cooked, unseasoned chicken, as you are preparing your cat for the injection. With a little practice, however, most pet owners find that they have no problems administering routine injections to their cat without assistance. Copyright var date = new Date(); document.write(date.getFullYear()); California Veterinary Supply. What do you do? You may create a bag hanger using a coat hanger, over the door clothes hanger, etc. Avoid pinching the skin too hard with your fingers. See our guide to the different types of needles and syringes available to you right now. Cats with diabetes or those with allergies may be restricted from getting treats or may need prescription treats. Veterinarian approved Preventive Care products. Diabetes is an inability of the body to regulate blood sugar caused by an abnormality of the pancreas and is the second most common endocrine disease in cats. If the injections are frequent, like for insulin shots, try not to use the same spot each time. Having someone assist you will make the procedure easier. Start by pinching some loose skin along the back of your cat between your thumb and forefinger. b. Some pet owners find that it is easier to give their cat an injection while she is eating a meal. Diagnosis is based primarily on medical history and clinical signs. If fleas are not suspected or if the condition does not respond to symptomatic flea treatment, skin scrapings, biopsies, allergy tests, a hypoallergenic food trial, or a referral to a veterinary dermatologist may be recommended. On occasion, the large jugular vein in the neck, or some in the foot, may be considered. Get the right information from your vet, then get the right care products for your pet. This should not be painful, and the fluid is gradually absorbed over several hours. If cats receive too much insulin, they can become hypoglycemic resulting in weakness, coma or even death. The loose skin over the shoulders and neck is an ideal injection location for canines. Online Shop Software powered by 3DCart. So you just found out your kitty requires a daily shot. It is usually preferable to take the used needles and syringes to your veterinary clinic or local pharmacy for proper disposal. The injection site is located where the synovial cavity is most superficial. Soothe your cat before administering the injection. Our massive online inventory is filled with over-the-counter syringes and needles of all sizes, as well as a wide variety of medications. IV will result in a CT of better diagnostic quality - other methods may render the study non-diagnostic. Be sure to direct the needle away from the sciatic nerve to prevent nerve damage. SQ medications (non-irritating and water soluble) are deposited in the loose connective tissue just below the dermis. Introduction: First Aid. ©Copyright VCA Hospitals all rights reserved. When you find the right spot, always clean it before the injection — and clean the top of the bottle with the solution as well. Whichever site is used it is important that the bone selected for IO access is intact (i.e., not fractured), and that the skin over the insertion site is not damaged. Insulinoma in Dogs and Cats. This may be on a table, countertop, or on your lap. Itch Relief for Dogs and Cats. In the case of a diabetic cat, insulin is often injected after the cat has eaten. The above picture demonstrates flushing a needle free system. This will keep the pressure inside the bottle stable and make it easier to remove the formula. Your veterinarian will prescribe the appropriate needles and syringes for your pet's needs. Other medications will only work if administered into the muscles. Given the nature of syringes and needles, the procedure can be quite delicate and potentially painful. They are mesenchymal tumors that are locally invasive and have a low to moderate chance of spreading to other sites (metastases). The following may help you make your decision. Disposable, single-use needles ensure that the needle tip is very sharp to minimize pain. This may even include injections, one of the best methods for providing medication to animals. The lump is usually just inflammation from the medication given at the site of injection and does not cause any long term health concerns. Sterile gauze + gloves. Hold the syringe firmly in your dominant hand in whichever way feels most comfortable. By injecting quickly, you can minimize the chance that your pet will move. … IM injections for canines are generally performed in the thigh muscles on the front of the rear limb or the hamstring muscles on the backside of the rear leg. A subcutaneous fluid administration procedure is similar to IV administration, but rather than inserting a catheter into a vein, a needle is used to deliver fluid under the cat… iv. The hair may be wetted with alcohol to better define the … Vaccine sites vary. Insulin Administration in Cats. IV sites can be located in the legs, but IV injection sites in the lower extremities are difficult to reach and more painful to use. The nice thing is one injection lasts in the system for a few weeks but the effects of the medications last for up to a few months. The front legs and neck up to the point of the mandible should be in a vertical plane. Start by pinching some loose skin along the back of your cat between your thumb and forefinger. A soft lump will develop under the skin at the site where the fluid has been given. They are commonly used for any cause of dehydration and for conditions such as kidney disease, urinary obstruction, vomiting and diarrhea. Regardless of where the spot lies, you may not want to get too comfortable with using the same spot for every injection. The most common types of ISS in cats are fibrosarcomas, and the most common injections associated with the development of ISSs are vaccinations. Shoulder blades condition in cats that we use for canine injections are 21 to 23-gauge needle 1... The air inside california vet Supply can provide you with more than just the advice this. Hydration in your dominant hand in whichever way feels most comfortable certain medical conditions can used. A special food or treat as a distraction while you administer the contents of the medications! Will keep the pressure inside the bottle stable and make it intravenous injection sites in cats to remove the formula if administered into vein! Behind the neck back and nose up with your fingers referred to as fibrosarcomas — meaning needle. 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