And yet he has told how at that time his deep dissatisfaction and misery were such that he was constantly contemplating suicide. What is the fountain which Israel hath thus forsaken? God's remedy for man's sin.(C. An affronting of God before the world, casting dishonour on Him, bearing false witness against Him (Jeremiah 2:31). Strong and glorious as the fabric was, God could not be outwitted; His decree went forth against the cistern, by His iron rod it was broken into a thousand shivers, and the exile of St. Helena sat himself down for weary months and years in the chill shadow of his own "broken cistern which could hold no water," till his own heart broke, and he passed away, to render his account unto God. "a broken cistern," "a cistern that can hold no water" — if creature comforts are such cisterns to those who seek happiness, creature systems must be to those who seek immortality. Sermons. He wonders how it is possible for any one with an atom of sense to spend his life and strength at such a cistern as that — a cistern which, even if it could be made to hold water, proclaims the mean and degraded character of the man who could drink it. The more they are indulged, the less they can be gratified. Sin is an ungrateful rejection of God. O what ease has the man that goes to God's door for all, in comparison of him who begs at the doors of the creatures, ranging up and down among them! Using their chief and most earnest endeavours for it. NOTE: Among the gods there is none like unto thee, O Lord; neither are there any works like unto thy works. It is when we find men mistaking its functions and properties, and labouring to hew out of it a cistern of satisfaction, that we are constrained to remind them that such a cistern will hold no water. (1) The fountain is always ready for us; the cisterns often are unready. Jeremiah 2 Home | M. Henry Commentary | Play! God reminds Israel of His faithfulness and blessings (v.4-7a) 3. If ever God discovered Himself as a "fountain of living waters," it was when, in the person of His own Divine Son, He opened on this earth a "fountain for sin and for uncleanness." Chapters 1, 2 and 4 Tonight, I want to tell you the story of a woman whose name was Ruth. It cannot give you health; it cannot give you talent; it cannot give you the real and abiding respect of your fellow men; it cannot give you peace of mind; it cannot save your wife or children; it cannot avert death and its preliminary horrors and pains from yourself. They neither did God nor themselves justice, Morally, they backslided from Him — dismissed Him from their minds and hearts, and lapsed into A state of sin and idolatry. He is paler now than ever, and seizes convulsively his mallet and chisel, and works away with averted face at his cistern, muttering between every stroke, Death, death; ah! The Paperback Bible presents the Bible by the Book and is designed to be portable, readable, and truly personal with ample margins for notations. A part, men of leisure and of taste, fly to the academic grove, and look for happiness there. 1. (1) The object taken up with in God's stead. A. A SINNER'S CONDITION IS NOT HOPELESS. It is an egregious wrong to the sinner's own soul, putting the arrantest cheat upon it that one is capable of (Proverbs 8:36).II. (1) The object forsaken by the hearers of the Gospel must be considered as — God in our nature, for communion with guilty men (Matthew 1:23). God's remedy for man's sin.(C. Still cleaving to it, under never so many disappointments from it; nor forsaking it, but trying another means, when one misgives (Isaiah 57:10). 1. I am striving to fill up the defects and openings with mortar — with the mortar of sorrow for the past, and endeavours to do better for the future." America's Greatest Need 9. It invests human existence with transcendent importance. (6) The water of the cistern is soon dried up; the fountain, never.2. I am striving to fill up the defects and openings with mortar — with the mortar of sorrow for the past, and endeavours to do better for the future." It is with greater ease of mind that one may apply to the one fountain, than to the many cisterns. The peculiar structure of this elegiac poem is worthy of note. We cannot conceive of God giving Himself a false character. And yet, somehow, there seems a shade of sadness upon that face now that his glowing excitement has passed away. David Jeremiah. There is access at any time to be had unto God, through Christ, by faith (Psalm 46:1). I have heard much of your travels; you have been led by a philosophic spirit to visit a considerable portion of the globe. Had they not received all their supplies from him, and gathered strength and prestige under the shelter of his providence? Instead of seeking their happiness in God, they began to seek it in other objects. It will not serve any good purpose to call him hard names. A. I wonder where the man is who can raise an intelligent and experienced protest against the epithet. 0. 1. No sooner do we reach him than he begins to pour out his contempt of the man we have just left. Had' he not taken them up when they were in the weakness, dependence, and waywardness of national infancy? Chuck Smith :: Sermon Notes for Jeremiah 2:13 ← Back to Chuck Smith's Bio & Resources "TWO EVILS" I. He is clearly a higher type of man. There is a natural bent to apostasy in all (Hosea 11:7). The justifying virtue of the work of the Redeemer, the sanctifying of that of the Spirit — these include everything of which, as sinful but immortal beings, we can have need: by the former we may have title to the kingdom of heaven, and by the latter be made meet for the glorious inheritance. — Ye shall find enough in God, that ye shall see no necessity of seeking any happiness without Him (John 4:14); more than shall supply the want of the corn and wine (Psalm 4:7); that shall be commensurable to your whole desire (2 Samuel 23:5).(T. Weary work.3. Galatians 6:7, 2. It is an egregious wrong to the sinner's own soul, putting the arrantest cheat upon it that one is capable of (Proverbs 8:36).II. If God chose, He could dispense with them. Now, the cistern which I have been working at for years is the cistern of morality and good living, for it is clear that we ought to love God with all our hearts, and minds, and strength and our neighbours as ourselves; and that, in fact, our happiness lies in this, and in nothing else. Sermon Notes for Jeremiah 2:5 ← Prior Section. TO FORSAKE GOD IN CHRIST, AND TAKE THE CREATURE IN HIS STEAD, IS A WRETCHED EXCHANGE.1. And on the cistern of the sensualist we find, "To be carnally minded is death." It inflames the thirst, it does not quench it. (5) The water of the cistern is always dreggy; the fountain clear and pure. The world not only palls upon its votaries while drinking of its waters, but its tide is always ebbing away. (1) The fountain is always ready for us; the cisterns often are unready. They began to place their trust in false gods rather than in the true God. They still serve their own Gods of greed, materialism and false hope. Their position is one of service, a service, too, assigned them by a pure conscience and an enlightened judgment. Why, then, should he leave a fountain for a cistern, even if the cistern were ready-made? (3) The water in the cistern is no more but a certain measure in the fountain it is unmeasurable. Sin is always the act of a suicide; we cannot reject the counsel of God against ourselves without rejecting His blessings also.3. We require light and air; we require bread and human society, and a multitude of other things; but creatures are not absolutely needed. Alexander wept on the throne of the world. 1. Accordingly, when we cease to worship God — the right object of worship — there is not with us an end of all worship. INTRODUCTION. IV. Like ourselves, they were morally free. Forsaking His people for their companions (Proverbs 13:20). For all the ends of consolation and encouragement and hope the resources of the world are worse than unavailing; The cisterns are not so empty as they are poisonous. Still cleaving to it, under never so many disappointments from it; nor forsaking it, but trying another means, when one misgives (Isaiah 57:10). Sermons from Jeremiah 2 The Christian’s Supreme Boast (Jeremiah 9:23-24) Why Are We Here? Use — Repent then of this folly, and take the one fountain instead of your many cisterns; go to one God instead of the multitude of created things.Motive 1. Learn —1. Why should I die? Because the creature takes by the eye and other senses; God and His favour is the object of faith, which is rare in the world. MINISTRY OF SERMONAUDIO. Even though departing from God was their choice, 2. (2) The fountain is made ready for us by another hand, the cistern must be prepared by our own (Zechariah 13:1; John 7:37). But what, we ask, if the mortar be as porous as the stone? We cannot forsake God without forsaking our own mercies. "Wonder, O heavens, and be astonished, O earth." What if it will not hold water any more than the cistern? And today it seems as if it were in a sense easier to get to the spring than in any other day that has ever been. The thing insisted upon is the simple undeniable fact of the apostasy itself. I said the sensualist forgets these two important points rebut does he not forget another? Israel's Desertion of Jehovah Viewed in the Light of the Past: D. Young : Jeremiah 2:1-8: A Sweet Remembrance Embittered: S. Conway : Jeremiah 2:1-14: God's Mercies Should Evoke Gratitude: Jeremiah 2:4-8 : Heaven's Appeal to the Sinner: Homilist: Jeremiah 2:4 … He had devoted almost superhuman energies of body and mind to the task of hewing out a cistern, he had compelled millions of slaves to assist in this gigantic construction. Oh! For what shall endure the severity of God's scrutiny, but that which is itself of God's appointing and providing(H. Melvill, B. D.)A broken cisternThe mother of Hume, the philosopher, was once a professor of Christianity. Now what shall we say to this man? Listen to Turning Point daily radio broadcasts with Dr. David Jeremiah sermons free online. Knowledge, he says, is the thing for man. 1. Its owner accosts us at once as follows: "And so you have been visiting my learned neighbour yonder. Because they must needs betake themselves to something within themselves, not being self-sufficient; so, having lost God, they fall of course to the creature in His stead. Years passed and she drew near to the gates of death, and from her dying bed she wrote him the following: "My dear son, — My health has failed me. Now what shall we say to this man? It is an exchanging of a fountain for a cistern. Our grandfathers could tell us what a great noise sounded through Europe in the days of their early youth at the strokes of a great cistern hewer. It is recorded in the book that preserves the memory of human deeds with reference to the judgment, and will be developed only on the final trial It is the record of numberless individual failures and disappointments; the total history of that which makes up the vast experiment in our world to find enjoyment without the friendship of the Most High. But we must leave this worker, and make our way to another who is hewing out the cistern of INTELLECTUALISM. This language — "the fountain of living waters" — is, of course, figurative, and on that account all the more beautiful and expressive. It is criminal to forsake God; and, as we would expect, it is as injurious as it is criminal. Oh! I. He tells His grievance to the material creation, as though even that were more likely to feel and resent it than the beings who were actually guilty of the sin. The parental bond is broken, the conjugal tie is dissolved, the oath of suretyship is annulled.2. We were made for God, and, till we find Him, there is a void within. The men who do not ask for either God or life or eternity. Longsome work, that one comes but little speed in. Read. 1. And ye who are setting up idols for yourselves, ye who, in spite of every demonstration of the uselessness of the endeavour, are striving to be happy without God, we will not reason with you: it were like passing too slight censure on your sin, it were representing it as less blinding, less besotting, than it actually is, to suppose that you would attend to, or feel the force of, an ordinary remonstrance. Thirst has an injurious effect upon the body's life, beauty, health, and strength, and is a most painful sensation. And what if there be a special condemnation for those who, "going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God"?V. I. (1) None of them are sufficient, but all defective. Watch sermon. They are not "cisterns" only, but "broken cisterns"; vessels which let out their contents as fast as they put them in; cisterns "which can hold no water." They are not to be had without much pains. we find that THE WORKERS WORK NO MORE. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Seeking a rest for their hearts in it. It is a downright perversion and deserting of the end of our creation. And on the cistern of the sensualist we find, "To be carnally minded is death." (3) Why sinners take up with the creature in God's stead. He does not speak of Himself as a stream or reservoir of water. (3) They enlarge the appetite, but do not satisfy it (Habakkuk 2:5). God Gives His Words to Speak to the Nation of Israel Through Sermons. He will inform you that he regards man as an animal more than anything else, and that it behoves him to listen to the cry of his passions and to satisfy it. If you travel on the sea, and a destructive storm falls upon your vessel, will the waves that engulph the poor retire in bashful respect for a wealthy man? The Targum calls it, "the word of the prophecy from before the Lord.'' The want of a living principle of grace in the heart, that may bear out in all changes of one's condition (Psalm 78:37). (1)Worldly business. Keyword: Filter: Page 1 | Found: 623 sermons: SORT. "TWO GREAT EVILS" Jeremiah 2:13 INTRODUCTION 1. (3)Earthly distinction. Weary work.3. The first cistern which attracts our attention is one of SENSUALISM. But, would you learn the weakness of wealth as well as its power, look at the narrow limits within which after all its efficacy is bounded. He is a fountain that is ever gushing. That math problem that we spent hours on only to find it was wrong. We assure him that this need not distress him, for with his limited capacities he cannot expect to understand all things at once, and that while it is true that death will for a moment interrupt his speculations and researches, there is eternity before him with its illimitable scope and opportunities. (3) They enlarge the appetite, but do not satisfy it (Habakkuk 2:5). All Episodes Devotionals. Truly, the cistern is "hewn out," when the fountain is forsaken. How totally inconceivable that those who worshipped the only … Another characteristic of worldly enjoyments is their instability, their transitoriness, their incapacity for yielding any continued happiness, or for "giving a man peace at the last." Yet notwithstanding that these truths are attested by universal experience, there is continually going on the same forsaking of the fountain, the same hewing out of the cistern, so pathetically and indignantly denounced in the text. It is with greater ease of mind that one may apply to the one fountain, than to the many cisterns. They are the most exquisite and satisfying delights. And on the cistern of the worldling we find, "So is every man that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich towards God." Their not pressing it to the sweet of religion, in an experimental feeling of the power of it (Psalm 34:8). )Broken cisternsE. Nevertheless, can it be said that men in general are ready to close with the Gospel, to partake of it as the parched traveller of the spring found amid the sands? Then it occurred to me how much we had heard in our time of natural science and physical science as cisterns at which human beings were to quench their thirst. It inflames the thirst, it does not quench it. For this we were made. — Ye shall find enough in God, that ye shall see no necessity of seeking any happiness without Him (John 4:14); more than shall supply the want of the corn and wine (Psalm 4:7); that shall be commensurable to your whole desire (2 Samuel 23:5).(T. Now, the cistern which I have been working at for years is the cistern of morality and good living, for it is clear that we ought to love God with all our hearts, and minds, and strength and our neighbours as ourselves; and that, in fact, our happiness lies in this, and in nothing else. He is incurable, and I would fain believe, insane, He has the fancy, that man is nothing but intellect, and that our whole mission in this world is to acquire knowledge. Because, by the power of a strong delusion, conveyed into the nature of man by the serpent in paradise, they expect a satisfaction and happiness in the creature (Genesis 3:5, 6). America's Greatest Need 9. THIS DESERTION OF JEHOVAH IS DIVINELY ASSERTED TO BE AN ACT OF THE GROSSEST FOLLY. 2. Christ speaks of the deceitfulness of riches. And on the cistern of the sensualist we find, "To be carnally minded is death." 2021 online sermons » Dr. David Jeremiah. If there be other fountains, they spring from Him; and He casts them completely into the shade. You cannot scold a man out of any sin, still less out of the sin of covetousness. (4) The water in the cistern is mostly very scanty; the fountain is ever full. They Were Still Claimed By God As His People, 1. Wealth, ambition, pleasure. There must be some permanency, some solid basis on which the superstructure is to be reared. Moore, M. A.I. HOW WE SHOULD REGARD SIN. WE DO NOT COMMIT TOTALLY TO GOD BECAUSE WE DESIRE TEMPORAL THINGS, Ceasing to cleave to Him by faith, and letting go believing gripes of the promise (Hebrews 3:12). The fire, and indifferent, in an experimental feeling of the law shall no flesh be... 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