See the List of Deer Resistant Trees below that can withstand deer damage or they are trees the deer avoid altogether.. Damage to landscape trees has become an increasing issue because of rising deer population, and the spreading of suburban development into the deer's natural habitat. In the Catskills where I primarily hunt, I stopped taking does for that reason. Hope you try it and works for you. They couldn't even agree on the bylaws after 6 years of trying. So it looked like a unicorn running around on trail cam, The herd lived on private ground but common property with about 300 owners. WL: Moro Di Caneva, Fracazanno Multicolore, Dels Ermitans, a nice spread somewhere in California that has the wasp! The bucks will go after them during the rut, they should regrow the next year so it is not necessarily a big problem for small trees. I was not a fan of the idea of antler restrictions when they first started here years ago but man they really made a difference in the size and age of the bucks. Taking COVID-19 seriously, awaiting Dose #2 of the vaccine. Yes, fig trees are fairly resistant to deer, as they don't like their leaves. Some commenters claim to have seen their fig leaves disappear—by deer—in a matter of days. Deer will eat almost anything but they rarely eat figs. When you pee on the trees to green them up the deer will smell your scent and stay away. My buddy hunts pheasant year round there. My cousin has a 5 year old spike running around. Many growers have watched with dismay as their fig trees (Ficus carica; U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 … Fortunately, there are some techniques you can incorporate to keep deer away from your fruit trees. Fig fruit are very attractive to birds, but their foliage is coarse and not a favorite meal for most deer. 5 June 5, 2013 - Typical deer browse . It is next to impossable to grow red cedar trees around my hunting shack deer will chew through the nylon mesh. This past season something happen and one spike broke off. Ground and tree squirrels are common nuisances to homeowners all over North America. Ask an Expert is made up of groups and individual experts. If hungry enough, they will eat anything. ok so I'm in the process of starting a 5 acre fig orchard. Deer and figs. )**T Figs are rarely bothered by insects or plant diseases, though root-knot nematodes can be a problem. share. 5 comments. Without a doubt, the smaller trees would be more susceptible and require protection. Deer feed on the tender shoots of dwarf and young trees whose lowly stature makes them easy pickings. How to Keep Squirrels Out of Fig Bushes. In the last 4 weeks I experienced a last straw moment when the deer ate the top 12-15 inches of 3/8" main stem and all leaves from three highly desirable figs.... Of necessity, I have now had to erect a 6' fence along the outside perimeter of the apron outside of the GH where I have been keeping some really nice fig plants. The raspberry bush is planted far away from the others. Bucks DO like to tear the crap out of fig trees polishing their antlers, have had them just demolish youngish trees here on occasion. Last year they were eating the ripe (or near ripe) fruit off my trees. That will change next year when I put most of my figs in ground. report. Unfortunately, deer don’t read lists like this! June 5, 2013 - Typical browse pattern and buck rub damage to bark (trees are . 2 uses for pee. Also if they do eat fig trees, other than shooting the deer; how do you guys deter the deer from the fig trees? … … Plants to try where deer are problematic include: Shrubs, climbers and trees. I did find one large caterpillar eating the leaf of one of my fig trees, but I was not able to identify the species. They can jump over 6 ft (watch them do it all the time) How high you need to build depends on your terrain. I have neighbors with 15 ft tall fig trees and they seem untouched. Scattered trees permit more wind to pass through. Use scent to deter deer. Usually once the trees get larger they tend not to bother them. San Diego, CA - Zone 10A WL: Dominick, Chiappetta,,, The saving grace at my place for the figs is that the plot I'm using for the figs this year is close enough to the house the bucks won't come up to it. Wish List: a 32 hour day....more sleep, I used to live next to a herd of deer in the woods. Therefore, in a dry year, deer will eat most any plant. At first I wrote the nibbling of leaf ends off to fawn inexperience and since they were nibbling on grafting stock figs, I waited for the learning lesson to kick in. I had personally seen deer jumping in front of the 50 mph traffic couple times trying to get to the flower bed and water shed planted by highway patrol on the other side of the road. Usually once the trees get larger they tend not to bother them. Meanwhile, doing the usual winter stuff (e.g., more formal exercise, indoor projects, planning), including starting this year's crop of cuttings. save. The raspberry should not affect the other plantings. AJ Gall 05/25/2017. Posted by 2 months ago. However, I've never seen them eat the the leaves. Jason. This page was generated at 06:34 AM. The yard Does are special circumstances and harvesting them is more about plant damage control than hunting.... Tony -- RI has a lot of deer and, while there are also plenty of coyotes, they don't seem to have suppressed deer numbers. However for the gardener who has a vegetable garden or grows fruit trees, deer may become a nuisance after awhile, especially if deer are eating all your crops. The state offers a packet of 7-8 tags (varies slightly year to year), typically 2 bucks and 5-6 does. I have heard that wild turkey will eat figs, but have had no experience to prove or disprove that statement. 2. There are no easy answers for controlling wildlife in an edible garden. We are always interested to know which plants are resistant in gardens visited by deer. Deer are often the cause of damage to trees by two ways, eating or rubbing or both. Deer occasionally enter yards to get their mouths on flowers, vegetables and ornamental trees -- quite often to the surprise of the homeowners. Wind is directed over and around the tree, creating a space with less wind force. Nematodes rarely kill fig plants but do cause them to drop fruit and stunt their growth. Deer may browse on new plantings of figs. Check out our Deer Attracting Trees & Shrubs! Figs are at the bottom of their list. Young deer will nibble the leaves, it is how the fawns figure out what is good to eat and what is bad. See our website for more information on deer and fencing But this was a community area so you needed to get enough votes to pass for any action. . If I enclose all the bushes and fig in an enclosed fence, would the raspberry bush become a nuisance to the fig and blackberry. They enter plant roots and feed on plants much like leeches do on animals. A few herds live within 1/2 mile of a 50 mph road near the house. I routinely take 3-5 here each year. The three plants are fortunately regenerating growth from the remaining main stem and lower leaf nodes so they are not lost however I will not give another deer an opportunity to fool me again so the fence was necessary to ensure a modicum of safety for the figs. 1 | Tulip Tree. Fig. Brought to you by RawRunners - Plant powered athletes! Yep, more of them were run down by cars in suburb area than hunters. What WillsC said re: bucks. As was so strongly stated, the deer do NOT like the leaves of fig trees. Figs often top lists in this regard, but they do seem a little more up for debate when it comes to what is said and what actually happens. A check (T) indicates a Hill Country native. Fig. Want to bring the graceful sight of deer to your landscape? They will rub on any tree or limb within reach if they can. I also used blood meal/blood diluted (not mine. 7. Deer are most likely to invade areas inhabited by humans when their normal food supplies are diminished. Even that solution -- eat the deer -- is not so successful. They live next to us long enough they probably are used to Chanel, our scent and the dogs. After watching these pear trees for years and observing how the deer utilized each of these pear trees. That's my suspect, but I read that deer don't chew fig trees. Since these were just prunings, on the ground, it's not a loss. I can't give you any anecdotal advice on mixing them together, but I am putting my figs together on my place just to make them easier to care for. And the soap will smell better than the pee! A couple of favorite fruits are apples, blueberries, blackberries and persimmons. They cause a range of damage including: Shoots, flower buds and foliage stripped off plants, with the damage often occurring overnight; Damaged woody stems often have a ragged cut end where a deer has bitten part way through the stem and then tugged the shoot off ; Deer will eat tree … Is there a reason mine keeps getting eaten. Mine was 8 ft. But sometimes they will work them over so hard they loosen up in the soil or split a bad crotch, and they like to hit the same ones every year. I can enclose it with a chicken wire fence but my question is what happens when the fig tree gets taller, how do I protect it. Question. Or maybe you’ve got a crop field or food plot you wish you could block from the road or section off from a larger field. pattern. Two of the study co-authors, Carolin Seele and Stefan Meldau, collect buds for the … Will be putting up a fence to keep them away from the figs. See Answer. Probably to full from eating everything else. We all know how devastating voles can be by eating the roots and cambium layer of winterized fig trees in the North. Deer generally bed on the leeward side of cedar trees, but do so several feet from the base. I know deer eat everything but I was curious as to if they would eat fig trees as well? Usually when there is nothing else. This quick video demonstrates how to successfully eat a fig without getting sore lips or tongue. There are no easy answers for controlling wildlife in an edible garden. They will also rub their antlers on a tree, damaging it irreparably. Now, what they PREFER is an entirely different question. Apricots (tend to die off, deer nibble them too) Grapes (deer eat the leaves and vines) Pawpaws (still an unknown, survived a year here) Apples - deer eat the branches. It doesn't make a dent. Question. Marsha Porcelli Answered . How to Keep Squirrels Out of Fig Bushes. YES. Once they get a bite or two of the fig sap they decide it is not good and move on and won't bother them again. plant that deer will avoid almost all the time. Deer eat foliage as well as berries or fruit. I agree.... Matter of fact for an old man, I can sprint quickly for short spurts.... training received from chasing away the deer.... With apples ripening like crazy now, the herd is in the yard every night and sometimes they start early. There is just about nothing a deer will not eat. As part of the magnolia family, it’s also commonly referred to as the yellow poplar or tulip poplar. It is a hairy experience. If you want a small garden of susceptible plants in a deer-rich environment, consider using a hedge or fence to enclose a landscape area, maybe a 5' high barrier that can't be seen through. Top Answer. And if a couple are killed, there are plenty more waiting to move in from nearby parks and woods. But you can keep deer from decimating your trees and shrubs with a combination of repellents that deter deer. Irish Spring was the first thing I tried. They are more likely to nibble very young leaves. Fox urine works better but it stinks the whole place up and that stuff is expensive. 1. Just this week reports were coming in that deer are eating Black Spruce. Do you have an open area on your hunting property you wish you could screen off in order to get to or from your stand without bumping deer? 2019-10-31 22:23:13. Or perhaps you just want to break up a … The most reliable method for deer proofing fruit trees is fencing. Do deers eat fig trees? ). And Irish Spring is one of the soaps frequently found at Dollar Tree (not shilling...just what I know. They do eat Balsm Fir in winter. Alas, prior to this year, the aforementioned guidance was also true for my herd of deer. If they were in private ground more than an acre big (I think), you could do it yourself or ask hunters or relocation service do it for you. August 21, 2013 - 11 weeks later, this tree may survive. Do Gophers Eat Fig Roots?. . . Figs are only pollinated by fig wasps and they in turn can only reproduce in fig flowers. However, deer ate the fig tree seedling in … It provides very little ground-level forage for deer and does not provide a mast crop that deer rely on. You will have to protect the plants with deer fencing. It's a shame you can't hunt them. Please use the comments box below. 79% Upvoted. Nematodes are microscopic worms that live in the soil. They are more likely to nibble very young leaves. Thicker is obviously better. Deer and figs. The raspberry should not affect the other plantings. would you plant them in the same field or is that just asking for trouble? I suspect it was … Hello, a couple days ago I found my waist - high fig tree that i planted in the spring eaten by deer. According to Iowa State University, in winter deer survive by eating the twigs from trees and shrubs. It’s a large tree, and ultimately has little to no value for whitetails. Deer often go unseen in gardens as they do most of their feeding between dusk and dawn. Asked by Wiki User. I am pretty certain that didn't work because we had landscaping people peeing all the time. FERNS Almost all except (Pellaea spp. The best cedar stands are thick. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. Young deer will nibble the leaves, it is how the fawns figure out what is good to eat and what is bad. hide. . I also have blackberry and raspberry bushes near by that have also gotten demolished by the deer. At the farm fig trees are about the only thing deer won’t eat. Bryant...Franklin County, VA...Zone 7a. Apparently, deer don't like to jump over a barrier that prevents them from seeing the other side. Fig. 4. Ginkgo Biloba I find the more damage they do the better they taste. 5. The only down side to rack restrictions is if you have bad genetics in the mix. Fortunately, tree varieties that will grow very large can be caged until they grow taller than the deer. Most of all the leaves have been eaten. Figs take a bit more care and work, so for me it is seems like it will be easier to have them together (and fenced together). Typ-ical response of trees treated with a di-lute solution of Plantskydd (1 lb / 3 gal.) If the deer were in state ground, they could be thinned out during hunting season. His neighbor told him a trick of hanging bars of Irish Spring soap throughout the orchard within the trees (from the branches) and miraculously the deer now want nothing to do with the 100's of near ripe apples in the orchard! This is a first for tricks that have worked with the deer, seems inexpensive and effective, so worth a shot at least? tree. Once they get a bite or two of the fig sap they decide it is not … There is insufficient clearance on the inside of the fence for any deer to jump over without landing unsafely and no deer would attempt a jump with an uncertain landing zone. They will attack nut trees and any other that is the right size. These can include trees and shrubs from your landscape. Trees know when deer are eating them — and how to fight back. DO DEER EAT PEARS. I do know that domestic animals such as pigs and geese will also eat fig fruit. I began propagating the best ones that I wanted for my properties. August 21, 2013 - 11 weeks later. Close. As a rule, no. I don't own the property and DNR comes through the 195 acres around the 5 acre field because it's a federally regulated hunting area. Fast Growing Screen Trees for Deer Hunting Land. I have a bunch of fruit trees as well. They love pecans, hickory nuts and beechnuts acorns in addition to acorns. The old times would say that eating Balsm was a winter tonic. Do deer like fig leaves and/or the fruit? Deer may browse on new plantings of figs. Both damage fruit and nut trees, bushes and ornamentals in … Fig. After a good winter, each doe has twins. Some of the plants deer like to eat are alfalfa, American arborvitae, apple, atlantic white cedar, balsam fir, blackberry brier, beech, catawba rhododendron, clematis, clover, cranberry, eastern redbud, English ivy, English yew, european mountain ash, fraser fir, gaillardia, golden rain tree, hickory, hosta, Japanese Yew, Norway maple, pumpkins, sweet peas, sweet … You will have to protect the plants with deer fencing. If maintaining cedars as windbreaks, it’s important to understand the wind-evergreen relationship. Looking for Sodus Sicilian, and anything else worth while. before and after treat-ment. Deer multiply faster than hunters can harvest and eat them. He has had it on trail cam a few years now. 6 . I used to be able to see many more bucks years ago and essentially choose which ones I wanted. All times are GMT-5. Trees & Shrubs to Attract Deer. So far they have not bothered fig trees at all. That would be simple. Fig. Joe, Z6B, RI. Nic I don't personally have deer bothering my fig trees YET (as they are certainly in the area) but my dad deals with them eating the apples off the trees in his old orchard every year until this one. 08-30-2017, 01:40 PM. As a rule, no. There are plenty more I want but the Colonel took my last spot. If one technique doesn’t work, you can try another. From cherry trees to apple trees and beyond, these varieties are perfect for attracting deer to your homescape. Deer adore fruits and nuts. I am also in a zone that necessitates as much advantage as possible--so the most favorable microclimate with the most sun will host 40-60 trees eventually. Clumps of human hair, bars of hand soap or … My original plan was that these pears would be MY ADVANTAGE…..for the deer on my properties!! Sort by. There are no plants that are 100% deer resistant, but many are deer tolerant. Usually, they go after the fruits or the budding greens. Same tree . These deer don't care. I've tried Irish Spring but found it ineffective. High fence works. That's a reflection of the numbers. All times are GMT-5. There are probably 50 within a radius of 1/2 mile. This is not a common occurance. American Holly with its tougher leaves is passed over. However, if hungry enough, they may feed on the fresh fig fruits. Lol. This year, however , for some reason they have decided to nibble repeatedly on the fig plants themselves. 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